
I wrote Bill Clinton’s biography “Citizen”

I wrote Bill Clinton’s biography “Citizen”

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The Publication of his Autobiography by Bill Clinton was noticed. It is a matter of time to live a post-presidential life.

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Bill Clinton war from 1993 to 2001 of 42. President of the United States of America. The presidency can not be otherwise than authoritarian. So ermayen for a few years, together with the thriller author James Patterson “The President is Missing” and “Die Tochter des Präsidenten”. Ab Herbst is the title of the German trade, who won the American presidential election and had an involvement of the political Ereignisse in the future.

Bill Clinton: Autobiography “Citizen”

Bill Clinton at a White House installation (archive) and the cover of
Bill Clinton wrote his autobiography for the herbs 2024 and. © Cover-Images/Image/dtv (Montage)

Former US President Bill Clinton has given his opinion about his autobiography. In “Citizen: My Life After the White House” (dt. “Citizen – Mein Leben nach dem Weißen Haus”) there is talk of a failure and a view of his return from public life in the year 2001 Darlegen. The themes that the presidential campaign of former President Hillary Clinton and their government discussed on January 6 and the Iraq crisis have been discussed.

Bill Clinton is a political icon. The dramatic developments in the US and the world have nothing to do with it: as ex-president and founder of the foundation, as the husband of Trump-Gentleman Hillary Clinton, as a private man and grandfather. See memoirs with a detailed insider report on the Ereignisse nach Seiner Amtszeit: from 9/11 to the launch of Donald Trump on October 7 in Israel and the nomination of Kamala Harris as candidate for the democracy.

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Commentary about Bill Clinton from the new Buch gegenüber der Presseagentur AP: “I knew, when I started that new Chapter my life, that is the legacy so messenger was, who I am always habe: Geht es den Menschen better, wenn man warm up , if a man has a big hat? Do you have a toddler who needs Zukunft? Would you like to come back and continue to do so?”

The Verlagshaus Knopf praises the book in a Mitteilung as “bemerkenswert ofen and rich an Details” and provides “faszinierende Einblicke in Clintons Leben – both private as well as political”.

In the last twenty years that Clinton was busy with his development project, he was treated for AIDS and died for Haiti after the war in 2010. Neben ‘My Life’ a political book ‘Working’ and a thriller bestseller appeared, it is a sister with James Patterson written hat.

Bill Clinton Thriller

  • “The President is Gone” (2019)
  • “The Daughter of the Presidents” (2022)

The Clinton war began in the past controls, the fragments of the financing of Haiti’s agricultural financing and the animation of Jeffrey Epstein’s financial support. Clinton, the mehrmals with Epstein’s Privajet-flog, dispute your knowledge of Epstein’s Beteiligung am Menschenhandel. The #MeToo Movement brought the 2018 Discussion on Clinton’s Affair with the harmful practice in the White House, Monica Lewinsky, wieder auf. The book appears in English and German on November 19.

Clinton’s book “My Life”, which was painted lightly in 2004, depicted the road from Arkansas to the White House and was sold in the first place for 400,000 Mal. Former Presidents and First Ladies have sold Millions of Copies of Books and Memoirs, so CNNMichelle Obama’s memoir Becoming sold over $2 million in all formats and editions in its first 15 days in the U.S. and Canada. Barack Obama’s A Promised Land sold over $3.3 million in its first month in the U.S. and Canada in all formats and editions, according to Penguin Random House. Simon & Schuster sold over $300,000 copies of Hillary Clinton’s What Happened in all formats.

Bill Clinton “Citizen – Mein Leben nach dem Weißen Haus”

Aus dem american English by Stephan Gebauer, Monika Köpfer, Stefanie Römer, Karl Heinz Siber and Karsten Singelmann

2024 dtv, ISBN-13 978-3-423-28451-6

Price: preorder Hardcover €30, E-Book €24.99, 560 pages (except for format)

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