
Weinbar BarOlo is bare on the Gemüsemarkt in Fulda

Weinbar BarOlo is bare on the Gemüsemarkt in Fulda

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Fulda
Weinbar BarOlo is bare on the Gemüsemarkt in Fulda
Stoßen schonmal auf ihr new “Baby” en: Manuel Stiel (left) and Deniz Caliskan in front of the new Weinbar BarOlo at Fuldaer Gemüsemarkt. © Bernd Loskant

Fulda gets a new Weinbar: Ein Fuldaer Gastronom und een Weinhändler eröffnen in Solitär-Gebäude am Gemüsemarkt on 30. August das BarOlo.

Fulda – Barolo played in the Topliga des Weins, is high, bezahlbar and enchants with his complex Aromen die Gaumen derjenigen, which are in his mind. Damit was really happy with the concept of the new wine bar. “Of course we won’t have Barolo,” said Deniz Caliskan, who owns the restaurant in the famous restaurants of the city.

Weinbar BarOlo is bare on the Gemüsemarkt in Fulda

Together with his friend Manuel Stiel, there is a Weinhandlung führt in Fulda, play is still longer with their gratitude, in the Innenstadt an orderly Weinbar zu establishments, which the Angebot in that region ergänzt. Denn Weinbars are active at different stages of the trend. With Rebkultur, Urban Wines and Weingesellschaft, everything in Fulda has recently become more Vinotheken entstanden – and even on the Gemüsemarkt which sees the long “Platzhirsch”, where Hahner establishes a few Monaten ein Weinstand, der den Wochenmarkt deutlich, wie unschwer zu beobachten ist .

Caliskan and Stiel, from Berufs Wein-Experten, see the location in Solitair, where the Mima Café & Bar opened in August, as an ideal one for another Angebot in that region. About 30 Weine, so the Ankündigung, was in the Ausschank haben, dazu 40 verschiedene Flaschenweine from the classic European Weinanbaugebieten, aber zum Beispiel auch aus Weinwelten in South Africa.

Das Mima Café & Bar started the Solitär-Gebäude on the Gemüsemarkt in August. I am 30. August eröffnet dort die Weinbar BarOlo.
Das Mima Café & Bar started the Solitär-Gebäude on the Gemüsemarkt in August. I am 30. August eröffnet dort die Weinbar BarOlo. © Bernd Loskant

If it is good, if the pre-isleistungsverhältnis stimulates, they both show. “Das Glas Wein starts at 5.50 Euro”, says Stiel. Of course, there is some treasure for connoisseurs in Weinschrank. Zum Wein gibt is “Neiselplatten” with cheese and sausage. Stolz is a newcomer on his rustic Sylter Gaues-Brot as a special place. If we like Wein Mag find, we find the Beer and Cocktail Card Alternative.

Tomorrow there will be coffee and high paninis in the Weinbar BarOlo

Tomorrow, when the Weintrinker is not so focused on touring, the Gastronomes want to offer breakfast – hot Paninis and coffee, also for sharing. And Deniz Caliskan and Manuel Stiel are no longer there. The Reason is a wonderful “Hotspot”, after-work parties with DJs and “Deep House” sounds and Thursday nights. A market place and Saturday are one of the best ways for the market to reach a new level. “We are thinking about champagne and austerity next”, said Caliskan.

The grower sees the location for your wine bar as ideal.
The operator sees the location for your wine bar as an ideal one. © Bernd Loskant

Furthermore, the brightness of the interior of 40 Guest Platz was enhanced with a modern metallic look. The personal agreement is canceled – and then the consequences of the second Friday (August 30) are lost. Geöffnet signal soll das BarOlo Sonntag bis Mittwoch from 9.30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Donnerstag to Samstag from 9.30 a.m. to Mitternacht. „Viellelicht auch etwas longer“, eränzen that both inhaber augenzwinkernd.