
Gernstl on the way to the Matterhorn: From Zurich to the Brienzer See on TV – Sendung

Gernstl on the way to the Matterhorn: From Zurich to the Brienzer See on TV – Sendung

Reporter Franz This is the legend of the Matterhorn – one of the high mountains of the Alps and one of the Schönsten. Grund is intended for the Gernstl-Crew, who themselves feel like the attraction of the traveling souls of the über sows. The journey finds its way to the Schnellstraßen, one of the most interesting interlocutors knows their knowledge. Diese Folge führt von Zürich zum Brienzer See. The film team flies in the red bus, uphill through Central Switzerland – a post-karten landscape. Sanfte Hügel, Berggipfel am Horizont, here and the hinged Dörfer and Städte bovine a number, maleric view. Ausgangspunkt der Erkundungsetappe von Land und Leuten in Richtung Matterhorn ist Zürich. In Lake Zurich there is the “Rote Fabrik”, where a Seidenspinnerei, a cultural center and an Ort zum Ausprobieren are used. Torsten Schnebel hat is an example, with a pair of bamboo rods and an egg epoxy resin a boot in the closet. While Jahr brauche is a “good Beschäftigung”, the team is ready for it. Letztes Jahr war is a Ruderboot trip on the Rhine after Rotterdam, which will be over the Rhône after Marseille. Einzige Voraussetzung: niece Money, son Mut zu besitzen. “Everything else comes. Auch die Freude. Zur Belohnung, dass man die Angst überwunden hat.” Raus der Stadt en hinein in de Landschaft Richtung Süden, in Innerschweiz, nach Finstersee. Appeal to a king. So if you are afraid, if you make a few stories about your Tiny House tomorrow in your living room and tidy up the drawers. Christine Lütolf tells you where Tonmann Stefan cuts her hair. If you want to discover the original trends in the Friseursalon, it is becoming increasingly popular smaller and less well-financed. For the sake of happiness, Paul Rüdisühli from Sursee spoke more. For 15 years, the power of power has been the greatest: There is a large Murmelbahn der Welt. Mittlerweile runs the ball, one of the roles brought a quartet things with them through the spatially rich steel object. Bad or beautiful, life? There is nothing. Jewish events should now be completed, “the witch”, such as the working out of the building. Ihr Weg zum Matterhorn führt de Gernstl-Crew ins Engelberger Tal. Dort, so the Empfehlung, gabe es de schönsten Kräutergarten der Schweiz, geführt von Beatrice Bissig. There are 200 different types of kräutersorting available on the Dach. “Kräutertee, das ist das Kultgetränk der Alpen und first Medizin für alles”, it said. Beinbruch included. Wasn’t in my Garten wait, the Specialistin in den Bergen gathers. If the wild warriors make a mistake, the worst is theirs. Christoph Trummer from Frutigen in Kantertal enjoys experiences, who enjoy more than just a summer. Gerade sees the Minimalist vom Bauernhaus in a Remise im Garten. Sein Construction material: Kuhmist. Das Wissen lasted 40 years, with about 20, in India. Er wolllte erfahren, “was das Leben in sich hat”. Seine Recognition: “Das Leben ist ganz einfach: Essen, schlafen, gesund sein.” Der Rest sei nur Ballast. If it takes longer for the beautiful Lakes of Switzerland to be available, it is now a Turkish waste. Franz X. Gernstl meets Theres Hofmann at the Überquerung des Brienzer Sees. If Kapitänin on the “Lötschberg” is your childhood home. The impressive Schaufelraddampfer is within 100 years of traffic and transport. If there is little interest, there are machines and how to make the kitchen plan, a days that the Lötschberg sisters. It may be that you are a girl company, heart desires to pursue and to fight for the fulfillment. (Sender info)