
Kulinarik in Mureck: Lorberplatz wurde zur internationalen Food-Meile

Kulinarik in Mureck: Lorberplatz wurde zur internationalen Food-Meile

There was a public premiere – in the city of Mureck, where a street food market fund was set up. They offer excellent customer service and excellent customer service.

MURECK. With ideal water beds and an idyllic atmosphere Lorberplein what is the premiere of that Street food market in Mureck statistics funds. The idea is that you can do that
City Alfred Zarubathere are also many culinary contacts available.

The guests can come from a Vielzahl and Speisen from the different Street-Food-Wählen. | Photo: Murkostladen

In Summe, both event enthusiasts and amateurs met and walked the Lorberplatz in a culinary Meile. For the getränke-sorgte der Dark green of Ernst Gregorcthe team of Mureckerstube for sweet and sweet.

Generell has compiled Ernst Gregorc vom Murkostladen, Wiggerl Bouwman vom Mureckerstüberl and the Team vom Street Food Market Austria mit Stefan Roth Gemeinsam with Alfred Zaruba for his profound Gelingen. More than 2,000 guests were present during two days of the event.

From fish to panini

And was kam nun on the Teller? Boats were boated differently Burger variations, Hot dogs the other art, Fish and lake specialities, Panini, Philippine and Mexican Specialties sowie Waffles und Süßes in fell Variationen – den Durst stillen konnte man zB mit Thalheim and Beer Brewery or also a “SO-Spritzer”.

Of course this is not the case. | Photo: Murkostladen

Thanks to the organizers is a team of EVU-mureck around Markus Neubauer – so it is for the eleven Wagons a strong and safe power supply to be used. Commercial Court der Stadtgemeinde Mureck below Jurgen Stark provide the event with the necessary dishes and organize the meal service.

A sequel is a sequel

It is aimed at all cooling fans – it is a good thing to become a ​​re-holung bzw. der Street Food Mile 2.0 in August 2025 accomplished.

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