
Who gives the AfD the Wagenknecht Party in a Falle slot

Who gives the AfD the Wagenknecht Party in a Falle slot

It has become possible that in Lichtenberg another city hotel East Berlin was sold for 1200 Flüchtlinge with millions of euros, the woman would become so high – and the Senate would have so damned müssen. It is good that the AfD for his protest of the Federal Republic Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) goes with the will of Bootholen.

Die Tonlage ist infinit: „Es wird uns zu bunt! Lichtenberg is full!” lautet das Motto einer Kundgebung, die die AfD Lichtenberg für Donnerstag kommender Woche am Linden-Center plant – “gemeinsam mit BSW”, who is in a Mitteilung heißt.

If you have loaded the AfD-Bundestagsabgeordneten Gottfried Curio on the Lichtenberger Fraktionsvorsitzende vom BSW, Norman Wolf, as Redner. David Eckert, Administrative Officer of the AfD, said: “Jetzt that BSW is a matter of opportunity, it is important to consider Lichtenberg’s seriousness and putting Sachpolitik before party politics. Unsere Hand is ausstrektrekt.”

Norman Wolf hat was first taken from the press of the client, in the – spicy – ​​English as Redner eingeloaded ist. I talk to the Berliner Zeitung about the first and best BSW faction in a Berlin District Parliament: “Das BSW wird an der Kundgebung nicht teilnehmen.” The client were no other than one of them.

BSW: New refugee benefits as an “insult”

It is clear that the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht “be able to cope with Schnittmengen with the AfD bei der Frage der planten Unterkünfte im Bezirk”, so Wolf. If you withdraw, the party you want to help is making your money with the AfD. “That is not the case,” Wolf states clearly and continues as a play on unterschiedlichen Haltungen zum Asylrecht an. “The Right to Asylum has never been abused, and it is a glaubwürdig.”

The sewerage is a political poison from an odd one out, that is the BSW deutlich “Nein” zur Umnutzung des Hotelcomplexes with three Hochhäusern an der Landsberger Allee sagt. And then you have a Senate and Bezirksamt hat.

The hotel accommodation does not extend beyond the upper part

BSW-Erklärung zur neuen Flüchtlingsunterkunft in Lichtenberg

In a joint acknowledgment, Norman Wolf and the Berliner BSW chief Alexander King spoke with an “Insult”, a schließlich tragedy of Bezirk Lichtenberg with four of 16 new Berliner Unterkünften schon heute an überdurchschnittliche Last at the Unterbringung von Asylbewerbern. „The use of hotels does not come without problems“, heißt es.

The Ton is shabby and expensive populist. So if the Senate is the leader of the gang and the government, if the company is taxed with the tax, it is not that he has the privilege of being privileged in his social structure and infrastructure, while he is hip and gentrified city is weitgehend außen vor bleiben”, he is in the Erklärung.

Would you like to pay for the conversion costs of City Hotel East Berlin?

There is talk of a vermeintliche contempt in the Beispiel Lichtenbergs, before the two BSW politicians now put a stop to the plans, under the “an omfassende Aufklärung des Vorgangs”.

So people who are aware of the costs that the Senate knew, we have come from the initiative for the accommodation of the hotels, but the costs for the market have increased, and we have become the costs for the broadcaster – the reason of 140 million euros. There are people who are concerned with the alternative structure of the installation and the fact that they are able to use a debt and kitaplatzen. It is likely that the medical care in the city is carried out normally. Not only the pediatric practices in Hohenschönhausen are now completely surcharged”.

During the investigation, both BSW men will keep the CDU in sight. So if it is “experienced”, the District Mayor Martin Schaefer of the CDU is “proud Beteuerungen” who has no gelungen, a current to the CDU/SPD Senate and the Regiererende Burgermeister of Nehmen, “to achieve a different and more just distribution of business in Berlin”.

But auch im Abgeordnetenhaus can be alarming. For the Berliner CDU-Abgeordneten Danny Freymark from Lichtenberg, “das Maß voll”, said one prediction: “Viele in the CDU became bei diesem Kurs nicht mehr long mitmachen.” Erwarte daher vom Senat, aber auch von der Bundesregierung, ” if it Schritte einleiten, die nuninnend, om die massive Zuzug und diese unjuste Verteilung zu legden“. There are many rumors about one: “Wir können uns nicht aus der Verantwortung sthlen and müssen Flüchtlinge unterbringen.”

CDU politician Freymark: Full understanding for the citizens

On the other side of the page there is now a living experience in Berlin, so Freymark. There are so many things you need to do as you learn. There are many different options for man’s nuts. Politics must be abolished, this situation has ended, so the CDU politician has been sitting in the Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus since 2011. Freymark: „Ein erster Schritt for Berlin ware, dass die Wohnungsbaugesellschaften ihre Souveränität zurückhalten and also wieder indigständig Mieter auswählen.“ At that time the living quarters were liberated.

Of the plants that AfD-Demo says Freymark, it is a great experience that will help the whole world. It is said that “the AfD will grow from the Nuts of Human Profit and the Schwächsten der Gesellschaft will be generated”.

SPD takes care of their awareness: shared thoughts about it

If the SPD is in the district, it is different. “It is not that there is a problem, if the structure occurs, there will often be criticism,” said the Lichtenberg SPD politician Kevin Hönicke in the Berliner Zeitung. So everyone knew that teaching staffs failed and Schulplätze. The problem must be solved.

But the früheren stellvertretenden Bezirksbürgermeister do not worry about anything else. “The fact that people who are part of each other as a problem arises always shock me,” says Hönicke. There is an excerpt from “political politics, which will no longer exist, if there are such problems.” If there is a problem, it becomes “Nein!” geufen en gründe dafür gesucht. “A Reflex schließen sich immer mehr Parteien an.” The brauche is an end to a party, the way in which: “Wir machen das gemeinsam. District and Senate!