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Summer is the perfect time to cook a fresh fruit marmalade. But that result has never been ideal from the roots.

Self-made marmalade tastes best: Grandma knew that. Whether you stick strawberries, cherries or apricots in it, enjoyment is guaranteed. Thanks Marmalade can be enjoyed with summer fruits in the winter. The basic recipe is an imaginary thought: you can get some fresh air with sugar. Wursts such as lemon and ginger provide tasty variations. You can make such a mistake when making marmalade. Ask yourself the following questions about the best pans for a treat, how to avoid these.

Häufige Fehler beim Marmeladekochen: 1. That Marmalade will not be fest

The ideal consistency of marmalade makes for a delicious feast and stretching. When the Löffel takes its shape, it may spread. Manchmal goes at the entrance was a leader and one of the most successful people who bore a fruit. Whoever enjoys good fruit when cooking, depends on its pectin content. Pectin has a long taste and comes in quickly all plants, always in varying quantities.

Marmalade glasses
Cooking with marmalade can be such a problem. © IMAGO

So gelieren Äpfel, Hagebutten und Quitten aufgrund ihres hohen Pektingehalts sehr gut. Schwieriger zu maintain since days Kirschen, Erdbeeren or Pfirsiche. Der Consumer Service Bavaria Therefore, combine pectin-rich and pectin-poor fruits. If the problem is not solved, another trick can be a trick: When cooking, add two to four ice cubes of calcium carbonate to the pan. Do this in the gelling process. Hilfreich is a strange one, gelled sugar is normally used by sugar. If you use agar-agar or pectin, you can prepare the delicious marmalade yourself.

2. The marmalade is too festive

With marmalade everything is a slippery weight. If you don’t see it anymore, it’s not so difficult anymore. The basis for one of its thick-liquid consistencies is that the marmalade is bought so long or that sugar it was used. Tip: Give you 100 milliliters of juice or water per kilo of marmalade. If you buy it all over again and don’t forget, you can also go through it to rest. Now the manufacturer makes the right choice – with the gel probe it can be cleaned.

3. Der Gelierzucker wurde unzureichend verrührt

If the jelly now functions, the gelier zucker will be further improved. Dieser besteht aus Zucker, Pektin und Zitronensäure. All ingredients are mixed with the marmalade that creates the desired consistency.

4. The yellow looks like a truth

The Auge is possible with. If the jelly comes from abroad, then the ergebnisleider is not so good. If you do not feel like it: the trade is now an optical brand. The marmalade tastes great regardless of the color. The basis for the Trübung is that the fruit is in the safe or that the fruit has a grim pressure. The Empfehlung of the back portals Lautet, the purchased früchte übernacht has been deducted from the welding and the keinesfalls auszudrücken.

5. Marmalade: Die Kochzeit passt nicht

The cooking time of the marmalade is separated from your Consistency and Durability. If you like cooking for a long time, let the marmalade become a thick liquid or caramel. If the fruit has not been bought for a long time, the result is zu liquid. The Durability sinks. Keep in mind that you have to answer the cooking time in the meantime. If the marmalade is no longer partying, then the amount of meat and the mixture of the fruit used must not be missing. The Food Portal rat, in the comparison to the recipe no more than the double Menge and Fruits to cook. If you are more informed, it will take longer before you spend the time.

6. Early screenshot

It is a self-selected marmalade that is stored for two years. Gilded: The higher the sugar content, the longer the sweet remains enjoyable. Mold forms very quickly on the marmalade, then different grounds can be inserted. The product was no longer fresh or no longer used by sugar. Make sure that the glass no longer comes out of the mold formation. If you like it, the shine shows that you have spent a great deal of time and that the party will end. Ideally, the marmalade is a dark and cool place with the cellar stored. If you put a glass mold on the glass, you can find the marmalade on the fall more essential.