
When your Dog leaves, there is a Pass Hat

When your Dog leaves, there is a Pass Hat

Is Lily Allen recovering? This Frage sich, nach ihrem jüngsten Podcast. (rho/spot)

image/PA Images/Matt Crossick

SpotOn NewsSpotOn News | 23.08.2024, 21:47

When the Hound had a “badly imagined” war, Lily Allen brought the adoption of the Fellnase in Tierheim. Damit brings the fans up to date.

“Schreckliche Person”: Derartige Beschimpfungen muss ich Sängerin und Schauspielerin Lily Allen (39) derzeit anhören, weil die zurück in Tierheim befrachtetete, nachdemdem de Vierbeiner die Passe der Familie gefressen hat.

“We adopted a little dog, but then my passport expired and the children. It is also the case that he was brought to the house,” he motzed in his podcast “Miss Me?”. “When all the business has disappeared and there are no more Visas. I can no longer say who got the money, everything is wiped out, we will go through a Covid war. It is a logistical war.” The native of London lived with his partner David Harbour (49) and his twins Ethel (13) and Marnie (11) in New York.

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