
WHO warns of massive Mpox extraction – Impfstoffmangel droht

WHO warns of massive Mpox extraction – Impfstoffmangel droht

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In Congo, at the end of 2023, there was a new form of identification of the attack. The Mpox virus has spread in African. It is best to use emergency substances and impf substances.

Geneva – There is an outbreak of Mpox that has settled the question of science and medicine. The fall numbers are becoming more and more popular and the number of years is starting to rise rapidly with 19,000 people with the virus, the chances are high that they will last until the beginning of the attack “Affenpocken”. Soon 1400 people alone will be sickened in a week (As of August 20). The World Health Organization (WHO) reacts and distributes the prosperity of the Notlage.

Neuer Mpox-Ausbruch gibt Anlass zur Sorge – WHO ruft weltweite Notlage aus

Most of the population is infected with infections in Central Africa, but is affected by 17,800 cases of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 541 A year is started pouring the Krankheit. The WHO study of the lung function of the WHO begins years as “Notlage of international tragedies” a.

In Sweden, the first autumn with the new Mpox variant in Europe was reported. If a new world pandemic has emerged during most of the people, the parallel period of the Corona-Ausbruch party will continue.

Neuer Ausbruch der Affenpocken: Such is the Mpox-Virus at Erkankten

The Krankheitsbild of Mpox is a classic Pocken, the Erkrankung verläuft jedoch in der Regel milder. Unnoticed symptoms may occur if Fieber, Schüttelfrost, Muskelschmerzen, Kopfschmerzen, all general problems or gelenkschmerzen occur. If half of the fall one or more schmerzige Schwellung of the lymph nodes.

Source: RKI

The WHO’s acute concern is the impfsituation. Heavy are two impfs, but especially in the affected regions in Africa, we do not enjoy doses. In East Congo, where a conflict-conflict has been going on for a few years, you can pack hundreds of people as refugees into the narrowest space. A worrying layer, as it is called by experts and experts. The virus cannot go beyond a major problem, because it supports the health care of CDC Africa, which is Austausch with the support of the WHO. Hygiene can be carried out.

Hilferufe der WHO: Ohne Affdosen aus Geberländer könnte Virus important ausufern

The WHO’s highest alert (English Public Health Emergency of International Concern, short: PHEIC) is primarily as a help to understand. Please note that the risks of infection are being brought to a control. The first phase is that the federal states are affected, while the big ones of the world are becoming more and more intense, while the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is working on the homepage.

In Central Africa, outside the Congo, it is a matter of breaking open the pockets.
In Central Africa, outside Congo, it is a question of Ausbruch der Affenpocken. The WHO warned of the low price – there are more impfstoff, which could yield an Ausweitung final goal. © Mozes Sawasawa/dpa

Before all organizations and states are addressed, it may be best to set impfdoses for their implementation. In the US, a love has arisen in Congo, in Japan, where one of the two Impfstoffe was restored, erhoffe man sich Hilfe. The EU hat cost 175,000 euros, writes der Mirror.

Do it yourself with the implementation of your risk if you want. In the spread of the diseases in Europe there are a few infections, where the double protection of the files is possible. Laut Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (Lageso) in Berlin is not unusual. I assume that the ineffective force of the infection increases to 66 percent, and the risk of infections is great, it is no longer possible what that is Medical Journal damals wrote.

Weltweiter Mpox-Ausbruch – RKI gibt Entwarnung für Deutschland

The WHO has a prosperous road network in 2022, which will be covered in summer in more than 60 countries. If the virus originated in Africa, it cannot do any harm. Beim globalen Ausbruch for two years more themselves auch infection in Germany. Since then, 3,800 deliveries have been made in all 16 Bundesländern and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has been upgraded (as of: August 9, 2024).

The earlier dams went to Klade II, the great sickness elevation was completed. Tip for the active Ausbruch is a new Mpox variant, a subline of Mpox-Klade I, which was opened in Congo at the end of 2023 and gilded as “extremely dangerous”. Finally, Affenpockenfälle were discovered in Germany in 2023.

Analyze how Sorge has done his resale of RKI nor Top Virologist Dr. Hendrik Streeck in Germany, because here is a great impfstofpreitlägen. Seit Mitte 2022 is in the European Union of the Pockenimpfstoff Imvanex-zugelassen, the also for protection against Affenpocken could be. The virus is related to the classic human pockenviren (Variola). There is a problem that is not so big, but the situation has never been as good as the job of the company at Bedarf, so that is RKI. (rku)