
Tenerife as Insel der Gegensätze

Tenerife as Insel der Gegensätze

Sonnenstrahlen breaks through the Nadelwald am Straßenrand. If you don’t wear a man, you now have a few Autominutes that are green and a Marslandschaft weight. I am National Park „The Teide“I think it’s a man on another planet. No wonder the park serves as a setting for fantasy film with “Kampf der Titanen”.

The largest Vulkan der Welt

The landscape consists of rock-shaped cliffs and the untouched small stones that knir under the rock formations, since the highest volcano bridge. I think the National Park is just as beautiful as the Spaniards on the mountain, where the largest Vulkanweltweit is located: Der „Pico del Teide“. Obwohl der 3,715 meters altitude Volcano for a hundred years of the letzte time it is worth gold, nor if active.

“We do not intend to Father Teidethere is such a wichtiger Teil unserer Identität ist“, erzählt Anchor RobainaSince 2007 he has been a tour guide on the island, in the summer of Teide National Park zum UNESCO World Heritage clear. But we are still young, even as a teenager, visiting the 44-year “seinen” National Park. An office job cannot infringe.

Tour guide Ancor Robaina for the Pico del Teide

Tour guide Ancor Robaina for El Teide

“Father Teide” as Therapist

The greater part of life is Robaina in the National Park, while Gipfel often climbs – also a free day. “Man sees the Bergspitze almost on the goose island. It is the first time I am here, man is small and comes with his thinking. Wandering here is the best therapy for me”, said er. Below you will find Robaina in Frühling nach Teide, then erblüht der Park in viel Farben: red christmas wreaths, white Teideginster and yellow currant smells are to be found there. Cannot be predicted, this Martian desert blew. If the frost has not yet ended, then the mountain has fallen on the mountain.

“The situation in Teide is different,” said Robaina. Aber nicht nur im Nationalpark gibt es Abwechslung: „Nirgendwo sonst cann man so veldschaften und Klimazonen erkunden wie in Teneriffa“, so Robaina more. The mountains of the islands are fully responsible different climates exist: The South is especially sunny, where the Nordic climate is milder.

Summary of the elements

The greater part of the interior is hanging in the Cloud phase. So deep that the journey in the “Anaga Park“near the Capital Santa Cruz schon zur Nebelfahrt wird. The Zusammenspiel from Wolken, Wind und Luftdruck are dafür, dass for allem de Norden trotz weniger Regentage in een eenm saftige Grün erstrahlt, erklärt Ancor Robaina. Sogar tropical tropical rainforests are indeed mysterious. “Viele Menschen glauben, Teneriffa bestht nur Sandstränden und Meer, aber die Landschaft hat so fell more zu bieten”, preist der Tourguide seine Heimat an.

Subtropical landscapes find a man in the landscape park “Anaga”. In Africa and Europe there are many changes, but it is one of the many beloved Lorbeerwälder.

Barrier-free forest walking

Part of the “Anaga” stretch in “The Mountains” – between Santa Cruz de Tenerife and La Laguna – were modernized. Zahlreiche Wanderwege führen durch das Gebiet. By “Sending Sentidos“(Weg der Sinne) soll beisplayelsweise Besucherinnen und Besuchern dabei halfen, den Wald zu erleben. The first way the barrier is avoided is a natural wonder that all looks like the machine.

Arrival Wizz Air flies with herbal mehrmals. from Vienna to Tenerife ( Compensation via atmosfair: €56

Overnight stay I am Hotel Botánico in Puerto de la Cruz with Fokus auf Kunst en Nachhaltigkeit.
The Hotel Tivoli La Caleta is located directly on the beach in the south of Insel.

3,715 meters high is the Pico del Teide and the highest mountain range


Auf a higher height of the walking distance remains visible Highlight: The Aussichtspunkt „Pico del Engels“. A dense cloud cover has disappeared from view. “Son can make a man go over the Anaga Mountains and look at Gran Canaria and the Teide”, Robaina explains.

I am “Palm tree“, the botanical garden in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where no clouds are found. At least you will find Besucher and Besucherinnen in subtropical and tropical plants. The garden is after the re-creation of the plant structure – from plants in Madagascar, Australia or Africa to the secret plants of Canary Islands is almost everything is available.

The Laguna

Historical façades, rich cafés and small shops are reasons for a visit to the former main town of San Cristóbal de La Laguna. Especially since 1999 the old town has been part of the world culture. Another highlight is the market, with a surprising look at the statistics.


The Stadt Garachico in the Northwest is no longer a secret, but a definitive choice is true. Der Ausbruch des Vulkans Trevejo, der stadt 1706 grim beschädigte, führte dazu, dass noch schöner if je je der wieder wurde wurde. Neben dem Stadtzentrum since all the Naturpools an der Küste empfehlenswert

Von Vulkanen bis Tropenwald: Tenerife as Insel der Gegensätze

Palms as Müllhalde

Whoever the name, it is as if Palmen all robbed. If you want to place the Blik on more a large Müllhalde, you will find a whole range of other palm art from all over the world. Geschlossen that took place in 1983, a four-sixty meters higher on the Müllberg-blieb – until 1996 the Palmetum project began to go out into the world.

If you want to see everything at your own expense, of course, the sun, the beach and more of these: a beautiful and black sand street is one of the most exalted geese. Believe that the Beispiel der „Playa Jardin“ in Norden with soft, black sand or the unspoiled natural beach „Playa El Bollullo“ is. Many water sports facilities are in “Playa de las Amèricas”.