
“Iconic Ausmaß”: FPÖ-Vilimsky at Trump’s mega-event

FPÖ-EU-Abgeordneter Harald Vilimsky war during Trump’s Mega-Show in New York dabei. Im oe24.TV-Interview paints there seine Eindrücke.

Iconic. “Special Guest” stand on the card of the FPÖ-EU Abgeordneten Harald Vilimsky. The blue delegation leaders in the European Parliament traveled with representatives of the new faction “Patriots for Europe” in New York, a show of American presidential candidates Donald Trump in Madison Square Garden. In an oe24.TV interview with Niki Fellner, Vilimsky painted a final scene: “It was a transformation of epic and iconic Ausmaß. There were 100,000 Leute dabei.” Offizielle Angaben nannten alldings „empty” 20,000 Guests, but the FPÖ-Politieker zählt and wauch Public Viewings der Veranstaltung dazu.

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Vilimsky in New York

Handsome. For Vilimsky, it’s a “Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen” with Donald Trump and President Kamala Harris. Aber: “The Momentum lies with Trump.” Vilimsky has heard the Gefühl, “that this Lady (Harris, Anm.) is not the hellest Kerze auf der Torte ist. They would also like to know more about Europe.”