
Israel prohibits UNRWA from working in state territory

Israel prohibits UNRWA from working in state territory

Iran has struck Israel with a deal for the young Angriffe. The UN-Palästinenserhilfswerk has not been working in Israel for more than a year. All Entwicklungen in Newsblog.

8.14 pm: The Palästinenserhilfswerk UNRWA muss seine Arbeit in Israel im kommenden Jahr einstellen. The Israeli parliament has consulted a large number of institutions, the organization is responsible for the Israeli state territory. While Hilfswerk can be strengthened in the Palestinian territory, Israel can exercise cross-border control.

The Israeli parliament’s Knesset endorsed 92 of the 120 heads of government and the opposition for the Vorhaben. UN General António Guterres and a Western Alliance of Israel have made it clear that they have expanded the plans.

Israel left the organization, a ship that carried out a terrorist action, and the mass of the Islamist Hamas started on October 7. One of the official institutions of UNRWA as a terrorist organization was only one of the two Gesetzentwürfen in the Knesset-Tagesordnung. Dennoch soll Behörden in Israel has contacted the organization that started so that the new Gesetz in Kraft Tritt. Dies soll in 90 days after the announcement of the release date. The Hilfswerk should emphasize the Israeli Territory – which is committed to all Arab interests of East Jerusalem.

5.07 pm: Hossein Salami, chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, can report to Israeli anger over Iranian military intelligence on Samstag. “Those bitter consequences became unforgettable signals,” warned Salami laut der Iranian Nachrichtenagentur Tasnim.

Israel has with the fear “its bedrohlichen Ziele nicht erreicht”, führt Salami aus. It is an example of “Fehlcalculation and Hilflosigkeit”. Esmaeil Baghaei, the Tehran “alle paintügbaren Mittel” was warned by Iranian ministers, one of the angry Israelis who responded.

12.08 pm: The Lufthansa-Konzern has made a flight stop in Tel Aviv, Israel to extend the Kämpfe. Roads of the new period of the security battle became the Konzerngesellschaften van Ben-Gurion-Flughafen bis einschließlich 25. November nicht anfliegen, wie das Unternehmen mitteilt. Tie gold plated for the Airlines Lufthansa, Austrian, Swiss and Brussels. Eurowings has made a proposal not to go to any of the countries on November 30.

Lufthansa-Flieger in Rom: Die Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft flies Tel Aviv to the next page.Vergroßern des Bildes
Lufthansa-Flieger in Rom: Die Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft flies Tel Aviv to the next page. (Quelle: Remo Casilli)

The connections in the Lebanese main city of Beirut will be closed until 28. February 2025. Iran’s Hauptstadt Tehran will no longer be in use on January 31, 2025. Affected Fluggäste can count on a travel date or withhold the Ticket price free of charge.

12.01 Uhr: The Israeli army has fought the radical Islamic Hamas 100 times in a raid on a Krankenhaus in the Gaza Strip. One of the “terrorists” confronted with the evacuation of the Zivilists in the Kamal-Adwan hospital ends up in a military attack. In the Krankenhaus und der Umgebung seien Waffen, Geld en Geheimdokumente are financed. The health forces in Gaza Strip gave in last time, the Hamas found itself in the lunatic asylum.

7:34 PM: In the new Bemühungen, an Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is a representative of Israel and the radical Palestinian Palestinian organization Hamas that has nominated Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi for a sweaty Waffenruhe in the Gaza Strip. When the time of the visit to the Hamas movement in Austria frees up a “little inhaftierte in Israeli Gefängnissen”, al-Sisi will hold a press conference with his Algerian Kollegen Abdelmadjid Tebboune in Cairo.

Al-Sisi erläutert, dass nach der Zweitägigen Feuerpause weitere Verhandlungen innerhalb von zehn Tagen vorgesehen seien. Ziel is “a full-fledged Waffenruhe and the Zufuhr von Hilfsgütern” in the Gazastreifen of gewährleisten.