
Report: Free Kurse machen Rücken fit

Report: Free Kurse machen Rücken fit

Gruppe junior Erwachsener, DehnungsübungGruppe junior Erwachsener, Dehnungsübung
Rückenschmerzen are merely verbreitet. The free ÖGK Kursangebot in Kooperation mit der VHS Wien schafft Abhilfe. ©

From 9. September, the Austrian Health Fund will start in Kooperation with the VHS Wien und Schulen das kostenlos Bewegungsangebot “Beweg’ dich – Gesunder Rücken” in some Bezirken Wiens. Nor gibt is freie Plätze – a rasche notification is empfehlenswert.

Rückenschmerzen are widely spread – the “Kreuz with the Kreuz” will soon come to an end. But die good Nachricht: With the Kursangebot of the ÖGK in Kooperation with the VHS Wien können Sie active and Ihrer Rückengesundheit work!

Volkskrankheit Rückenschmerzen: Movement is important

We do not know it: Long sitting and sitting, the false halt and movement mangle often lead to tension and back pain. If you experience private stress or stress, you can pick up the thread and put a heavy strain on your back. Our kitchen is one of the best ways to earn money – there are more functional functions and more performance-oriented. For Muskeln, Bänder, Bandscheiben and Knochen, the movement is “Nahrung”, the Gelenke were paternally stabilized and mobilized.

Care and tips, the man in the everyday life can be a real estate agent

In the free ÖGK course program “Move yourself – Healthy backs” there is a way to train the muscles of the muscles. A stimulated training training ensures that you can expand your locker and let go. The course was supplemented with tips for a beautiful back everyday to release the spinning column. The regular training takes place for 14 weeks, 2x weeks in a group setting and should motivate you to continue. Experienced trainer starts the technique with the units. Activities have only started 18 years ago to carry out a course, but there are few recovery or risk towers for the Entstehen von Rücken problems.

A Kursübersicht und Buchungsmöglichkeiten see here (Bundesland Wien auswählen)!


Michaela GörlichMichaela Görlich