
Zement Recycling – a more efficient route to lower emissions and higher costs as carbon capture and storage (

Zement Recycling – a more efficient route to lower emissions and higher costs as carbon capture and storage (

August 24, 2024

(PM) The Recycling of Zementstein is one of the most economical and efficient tests, an emission from the production of products, which a large part of the magazine says in the published study. The researches to the «Imperial College London» have researched the science of business and the Epfl that the CO2 mineralization of the CO2 mineralization of a cost-saving solution for the emission analysis possible. (Article in French >>)

The study says that CO2 mineralization – a process, in the emission and atmospheric CO2 reduction during the infrastructure of concrete, gravel, pflastersteine ​​and clinker materials absorbs – the potential emission of production is 15% this was 0.8% of the global gas emission in the year 2020.

REcycleter Zementstein from Abriss-Beton is effective
Due to the CO2 mineralization technology used, the recycling of Zementstein from Abriss-Beton can be effective and economical. Zementstein – or zementleim in non-verhärteten Zustand – is a clay substance that connects the materials with sand or sand and thus creates concrete. Rezyklierter Zementstein stems in der Regel aus alten Infrastrukturen wie abgerissenen Gebäuden.

Lead author Rupert J. Myers of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College said, “I argue that the climate change is a redevelopment, the emissions from the cement recovery and construction industries worldwide will be reduced. If a large amount of CO2 mineralization occurs, a powerful technology is possible, which can achieve some of the decarbonization of the sectors.”

Unternehmensangaben under der Lupe
The building material is for 13% of the worlds of the responsible gas emission – the largest part that comes from the repair of Concrete and steel. Concrete is after the water that has the most fragmented material on our planets, and it is a fact that these things are no longer good. If the Ground such business world after the emissions, the emission from the Repair and Use of Concrete and Steel is to verringern.

For the Pnas Study using the technologies under investigation, the mineralization of CO2 in the mixture is very sluggish. If you go back, it is so that the technology no longer works and works in the reduction of CO2 emissions in the recovery lung. For most technologies, it is about whether others are now crossing the border, if the CO2 emissions in practice are squeezing, while the world works in the future.

Zweibis more cost-effective as CC’s
While the Research Team is having a great party, the technology at the foundation of CO2 mineralization is one of the most cost-effective costs when it comes to technology of Abscheidung and Speicherung of Kohlenstoff (‘Carbon Capture and Storage’, CCS), while the atmosphere can no longer be stored.

If we look further into the CO2 mineralization, it is a fact that there is a problem that is relatively easy to maintain. Baumaterial can extract CO2 from the years in the infrastructure, it can not last longer if the recycled material is removed.

Ia patent solution for everything
Co-author Justin D. Driver of Imperial College’s Department of Chemical Engineering said, “I think this is a very niche spread, but I think the CO2 mineralization of the CO2 mineralization of the patent is for everything. There is now a limiter of Rohstoff, which produces CO2 absorbers, because of the potential technology, emissions in all sectors to reduce, the consequences of it are gone.”

And Ellina Bernard, automotive and science teacher at Empa-Labor for Concrete and Asphalt, said: “The study said that a greater CO2 mineralization by Altbeton or other industrial industries on the lime base is carried out by the mixture of carbon-containing materials. CO2 emissions of 15% in the repair of the building material will never be negligible.” If you want to know more about the costs you have to make, you can further optimize the technology of CO2 separation and processing (Ccu). Ccu is also located in the center of the new Empa research initiative «Mining the Atmosphere».

Loss of the carbon substanceFootprints from Zement
The team, which deals with the Research of Empa and the EPFL, defines a single important Schwerpunktbereiche for the political Entscheidungsträger, Investors, Researchers and other Interest Groups, which are a kind of emission of the Zementhersteller:

Strategies for recycling concrete scrapWhen CO2 mineralization technology was used, emission reduction could be increased

Focus on CO2 mineralization technology, which is considered legal – the charger for new technology can be counterproductive, one of the climate crisis you need

Transparenz in Bezug auf de Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dieser Technologies on the Basics of Production Costs, the Nachfrage nach dem Produkt, des Marktanteils und der Anwendungsfälle sowie Bereitstellung von Informationen, die licht verständlich sind and Investors einen Vergleich zwischen verschiedentechnologien ermöglichen

JG Driver, E Bernard, P Patrizio, PS Fennell, K Scrivener, RJ Myers;; Global carbon reduction potential from CO2 mineralization in concrete materials >>; Pnas (2024)

Text: Empa, author: Sigourney Luz / Imperial College

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