
Fresenius SE Action: Kursanstieg trotz Herausforderungen – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

Fresenius SE Action: Kursanstieg trotz Herausforderungen – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

The Fresenius SE Action has a promotion from 32.85 Euro and says a stable Entwicklung. I would like to compare the paper with a minimum of 12.75%. Allerdings are on the Kurs nor 2.21% below the 52-Wochen-Hoch of 33.57 Euro.

Positive Geschäftsentwicklung stützt Aktienkurs

The health group can work with the intestines. Proudly, the evaluations with rising costs and delivery passes depend on Fresenius, the allocation and profit to rise. Analysts see more possibilities and stop a positive evaluation party. So the best thing is that Barclays has assessed the “Overweight” rating with one of them Cursor soul from 36.50 Euro.

Für das laufende Geschäftsjahr rechnet Fresenius with a moderate Umsatz- und Ergebniswachstum. The people who benefit from the robust nachfrage in kerngeschäftsfeldern with dialysis and mental health care. Gleichzeitig sollen Effizienzmaßnahmen die Profitability stützen.

The vision of a solid company and an attractive offer with a KGV of 11.4 for 2024 makes the Fresenius action interesting for a longer orientation. Kurzfristig can undergo the entire market immunity of the Kurs influssen.


Fresenius SE Action: Buy or sell?! Neue Fresenius SEAnalyzeon 24. August loves Antwort:

The noses of Fresenius SE-Zahlen speak a clear language: Urgent Long-Term Request for Fresenius SE-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? In the free analysis of August 24th it was time.

Fresenius SE: Buy or sell? Read more here…

Course and further information on the topic:

Fresenius SE+Co KgaA

Current discussions on the theme:

Fresenius heißt Europa … (31.07.24)
Fresenius braucht new Führung! (07.12.21)
Fresenius shortening (25.04.21)

Actuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen:

Fresenius SE Action: Kursanstieg t. (10:00)
Fresenius: New Kursziel (20.08.24)
Ex-dividendenaristokrat Fresenius: . (18.08.24)
Fresenius SE Action: Stabiler Kurs. (17.08.24)
Fresenius Medical Care Action: Ums. (17.08.24)

Alle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen

Current analyses of the Companies:

Fresenius SE+Co KgaA