
Wenn Schule Fear Power |

Wenn Schule Fear Power |

“Life learning”: A new podcast with a Bildung und Schule soll Hilfestellung bij schwierigen (Lebens-)Themen leisten. Zum Beispiel über die Angst, not nice to see.

A gestalt path and another benediktinermönch have brought their sister together: Elsbeth Kossmeier and Benedikt Weingartner have learned the theme Theme. They position themselves accordingly, “what one learns for life, must learn, freely and unwillingly, consciously and unconsciously”. They both now have a podcast in Leben gerufen – a Mal who can make his Duo in “Leben leren” diverse by one of the themes, photos and debts. I think they will both die “with disinterested critical and utopian comments in the background of a dialogue”.

Was school afraid?

“Elsbeth vermittelt in perhaps euphoric descriptions: Learning power is total Spaß, Learning is with Freude connected, Learning bedeutet Glück – the Realität is jedoch manchmal sehr, sehr dramatic,” says Weingartner.

So learn to manchmal also with Tränen verbunden. One of the podcasts is one of the many things that a childish experience has, when it comes to the school: Morgens kopfweh or Bauchweh, unsafe and exciting, was the Tag that may be brought. Es posits sich die Frage: Macht Lernen Angst? “Eltern, Schuldpsychologinnen und -psychologists, Kinesiologinnen und oder Beratungseinrichtungen schlagen Alarm, weil zum zu die Schülerinnen und Schüler auf Schule en Lernen with so often Angst reagieren, dass ein Schulbesuch zum Teil unmöglich wird”, erläutert Kossmeier. It is about the fault of Schulanfängerinnen and Schulanfängern for the next Schulangst theme.

Students and carpenters in general are often afraid that education can no longer fall here. Kossmeier self-war davon zu ihrer Schulzeit affected: “My Mama has a great love for me,” he laughs and fights here: “Jede Schularbeit war bei my fearbesetzt.”

And furthermore: “Die Angst form Scheitern, de Angst, nicht gut genug zu sein, ist schon eine globale Angst”, thus the Gestaltpadagogin. “The game since a grim death has been struck, but it is not enough to have any success, but without any serious damage, it is not possible to pause,” Weingartner said. Vieles is of course captured here in the open air and in the Elternhaus – Kossmeier: “If I were to have a closer look at the table, then I would always be in the school with my own words: I would be happy?”

Make Sure You Get the Blame – The Role of the (Elementar-)Pädagogen

Make sure that you can use the Grounds for Fear or in School. Aggression and violence can fall under the doctrine. “A valuable part is here, that children have fear for the community, in their life”, said Kossmeier. “They ask themselves: Do I fit into the community?” It is said that man is in the guilt of man, with the man who is not so good – in the matter of his feeling.

The system can function as a system that is fragmented on a personal level – in a group with 20 students and psychological sciences who have knowledge of the gestalt path: “Meiner meinung nach wird bei Lehrerinnen and Lehrern psychologicals Know-how am little protected. ” And if he fort is: “If Lehrerin muss ich so fell gelernt haben, that’s ich so fell Reflexion and so fell Verstandnis mitbringe, um zu seehen, welche Arten von Menschen da bei mir sitzen.”

For a good and fear-free debt path, the Grundlegende is a good start in the Bildungssystem

If you prevent and “Prophylaxis” begins, debt relief begins at the first Bildungseinrichtungen with the day-care centers. These years, the experts of “Leben leren” of the Grundstein have praised for the entire Schullaufbahn. That is so, so Kossmeier, much intelligence from the pages of elementary pädagogins and -pädagogen – but the little ones have much joy in learning.

For personal information: “Man is a psychologist, man is a reforming didactic woman, his own wife or the woman with the power of life and those imbued and thoughtful thoughts”, is the Kossmeier überzeugt.

The podcast “Learn to Learn” will be released (after the summer break) on September 4 and is now available for all podcast apps and the website

Those Persons hint at the Podcast “Learning Life”: Elsbeth Kossmeier spent 40 years at the Gymnasialehrerin für Deutsch und Musik sowie Mitarbeiterin an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Oberösterreich. It is a reference for life, the personal attention to learning in an education is woolen.

Benedikt Weingartner war zehn Jahre Benediktinermönch, Religionslehrer und später Künstlermanager in Bereich der classical music. Seit 2014 is a journalist and an expert in Europapolitik.