
Hallenfest, Beer Food and Firefight in Völs

Hallenfest, Beer Food and Firefight in Völs

On August 31st to August 19th, the annual Freiwillige Feuerwehr will take place at the Hallenfest ein. After the big success at Hallenfest 2022, there will be an exciting highlight of the program: the Fire Battle. While the Wettkampf gives two Zweier-Teams a message, a course is so fast that it may be exciting. The components are of course all interesting.
After the sports organizer has put together a beer menu for a general change of pace in the evening program, the music group “Die Bergmänner” is formed.
At 23:00 you go to the DISCO in your Garden and Lädt zum Tanzen und Feiern – bis OPEN END – ein.
Die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Völs freut sich auf zahlreiche Besucher.