
Ukraine-Krieg in Liveticker: +++ 03:35 Charkiw: Raketenangriff auf zwei Städte startedet+++

Ukraine-Krieg in Liveticker: +++ 03:35 Charkiw: Raketenangriff auf zwei Städte startedet+++

Ukraine-War on Liveticker
+++ 03:35 Charkiw: Raketenangriff auf zwei Städte startedet+++

The governor of the Kharkiv region, Oleh Synjehubow, warned: the Russian militia has launched rocket attacks in the city of Kharkiv and Tschuhujiw. At this moment a person may be injured. A large explosion occurred in Kharkiv. The mayor of the city, Ihor Terechow, writes on Telegram, a huge explosion was caused by a. The cuts to your situation are coming to an end. The emergency of the explosion is no longer possible.

+++ 03:06 Ukrainian Flugabwehr warns of Kampfdrons +++
Mittens in the night in eastern and southern Ukraine Luftalarm. The Ukrainian Luftstreitkräfte warns another group of a gruppe of kampfdronen of the type Shahed, which moves over the black sea in the direction of the southern Ukrainian region of Mykolajiw. If you play a Ukrainian government day, which is in the Saturday war, the Russian fear is aroused. Bilang war a great Angriffswelle ausgeblieben.

+++ 01:32 Ungarn accuses Brussels of stopping oil transfers +++
After the EU Kommission has stated that the Russian oil industries have been informed. “The Tatsache, if the European Commission understands that, it is not possible that both the energy management system and the Slovakia will be safe, as a matter of fact, the situation in Brussels will be geschickt, um (…) Probleme bei der Energieversorgung Ungarns und der Slovakei zu verursachen,” said Außenminister Peter Szijjarto. The EU Commission will take the next step in establishing a position. In June, Ukraine hates Russian oil production on the sanctions list and the blocking of the Druschba pipeline, which supplies an über Ukrainian area. It is a fact that the Slovak government has increased the size of the oil Lieferants.

+++ 22:12 Russian Truppen verletzen bei Angriff auf Dorf in Kupjansk four Frauen +++
Russian Trops come from the village of Novoosynove in the Bezirk Kupjansk der Charkiw Oblast and have lost four Frauen, Messet Oleh Syniehubov, Leader of the Military Administration of the Charkiw Region. “The besatzer griffen das Dorf Novoosynove in Bezirk Kupjansk is at 12:00 noon and. If the anxiety attacks form a private gebäude,” said Syniehubov. Those Verletzten are placed in a medical institution. Ermittlungen zu the followers of the terrifying noch an.

+++ 21:03 British Defense Minister: “Ukraine’s war is always a matter of greater concern for Russia” +++
John Healey, Minister of the United Kingdom, congratulates Ukraine with a guest conference on the portal “European Pravda” to the Unabhangigkeitstag. “It has been 33 years since Ukraine received a declaration of independence. It is a fact that the Soviet Union as a sovereign democracy has control over the Soviet country,” said Healey. He started the Ukrainian day with a Krieg to start. It is an existing camp that makes the brutal illegal invasion of Putin’s a free and untrustworthy nation. “The war in Ukraine has begun with the expansion of the massive big forces and the raw materials of Russia. Today’s greetings to the Ukrainian people,” wrote Healey. It is a question of more with big Mut, so the army goes to the Zivilbevölkerung. The British must protect their Ukrainian friends, it is so long that they are no longer inviolable and their lives are longer. After the United King had made a campaign, while the people in Britain and the rest of the world were rising, the Ukrainians knew their load, that they had our support. “In the social media it is ‘Lärm für die Ukraine’ of the power and the expansion of the policy of the nation. There is no military and economic support, which is established with Ukraine, but also our Friendship and Solidarity boats have become,” said Healey.

+++ 20:05 Selenskyj for Oberbefehlshaber Syrskyj +++
Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has helped Oleksandr Syrskyj, the Supreme Commander of the Ukrainian Streitkräfte, in the rank of one of the generals. It is one of the things that Decree Selensky does. Make sure that Syrskyj of Ukraine has the rank of a Generaloberst inne. A basis for the support is the two-time hereditary victorious Ukrainian troops in the Russian border region of Kursk.

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