
From Heidelberg bis Neckarzimmern: Die Heimat entdecken – immer am Neckar entlang – Neckartal und Odenwald – Nachrichten en Aktuelles aus der Region

From Heidelberg bis Neckarzimmern: Die Heimat entdecken – immer am Neckar entlang – Neckartal und Odenwald – Nachrichten en Aktuelles aus der Region

By Ann-Kathrin Frei

Heidelberg/Eberbach. The American author Mark Twain is a great power. Our region is best found on the Neckar. But something goes wrong. While Twain is in the book “A Tramp Abroad” (1880, “Bummel durch Europa”), a man can be gemütlich with the white Flotte over the Neckar skipper.

For example, to Neckargemünd: In one of the beautiful mountains of Heidelberg and the grandiose view of the castle, the skippert to Kloster Neuburg hinted at the land and the wild nature that the Neckars are savouring.

If the journey of the writers and the Beziehung of Heidelberg takes longer, the stadtführer Klaus Mombrei is at the right address. If Mark Twain was out to have a rundgang, science fell on the university and the life of the writers here.

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Mark Twain hated a great Soul for Augen, when he traveled to Heidelberg in 1878: There would be a long walk made by the Neckar and with a Floss dream. But who fell Truth in his stories? “Truth is the most valuable, what we have, gehen wir sparsam damit um”, calls a seat, which the author is said to have written. This answer is a man of Klaus Mombrei who 20 years ago as Mark Twain with his white Anzug, Hut and Spazierstock in Heidelberg on the other side of the road, without any doubt about the descriptions of Neckar.

If you are in Fluss, it may be that you go to the camping on the Neckargerach. Dort can no longer sit in tipis-übernachten, a part of “kanu-bike” ( can be worthwhile, Stand-Up-Paddle-Boards directly in front of ort auszubieren try. If it would be so, it could be a chance.

Klaus Mombrei alias Mark Twain führt Gäste durch Heidelberg. Photo: Ann-Kathrin Frei

The city of two currents

Nothing on the Neckar you will find the first stage of the Neckarsteig from Heidelberg to Neckargemünd. At 12.5 kilometers distance lies the Königstuhl and the Neckarriedkopf to Neckargemünd. In total 127 kilometers long is the Quality hiking trail Neckarsteig, the new stages are new and 14 kilometers long. When Mark Twain lies on the water trail, the direct management of the historical old town with a few factory workers is taken over. If we are a bit gründet, then Elsenz dies in the Neckar world. When the war is grim, a strong war arises between the two rivers: Schiffer, Gerber and Fischer found here reichliche Arbeit.

But the rivers are not just good. Let the power of the high water stop here. A number of home users can enable the washers to bring the flight to your next destination. If you start on the Theme Trail of the High Water Trail in Neckargemünd, the information table will inform you about the natural sciences of the high water and the effects on the city. The path from the Menzerpark runs 2.5 kilometers through Elsenz and the Neckars.

Technikbeeisterte can be used on a radar tour with the display you can see: The Weitersehen app of the Rhein-Neckar-Kreises will use the Radtour with Augmented Reality Technology digital.

Map: roh/Esri

A Christmas loaf under the Brunnen

Now in a Steinwurf von Neckargemünd you will find the Burgfeste Dilsberg (, the factory workers, Gassen and Burgruine with a spazier corridor. Now there are two roads to the Burganlage: the Lower and the Obere Straße, the direct access to the Middle Alter.

I started 14 years ago with the city center, the Burg-überstand Kriege and a dramatic change. Zeitweise serves as Gefängnis für Heidelberger Students. If the Burg and the Großherzogtum Baden field die, then go man zum Abriss frei, im 20. Jahrhundert wurde si then wieder restauriert.

Today, the 72 steps to the tower of the ruins rise, enjoying a 360-degree view over the Neckar, the Gassen, Neckarsteinach and the many towns and cities. If you click on the photo, it may be that Mark Twain describes the Burgfeste as a “Königskrone”. If we are on the Dilsberg in the summer, it is worth taking a look at the unused brunch stollen in the middle of the 17th. Jahrhunderts in the mountain are becoming word. Thanks to Mark Twain, who wrote in his book “Bummel durch Europa”, has been on 19. Jahrhundert wiederentdeckt. After the new research, the stollen have been laid out as frying air suckers for the work. Here you can find the end of the Stollens: Mitten im Schacht.

If you read stories and legends on the Dilsberg, you can come across the Rose von Dilsberg. It is not inconceivable that the wise man of “Bienengärtlein” is a man who can show such hereditary behavior.

Photo: Ann-Kathrin Frei

History of the Flusses there

What kind of company in the Klein Odenwald, how would the flight direction of the Neckars have gone, was a company that put the Red Crocodile of Eberbach into operation? Answers to this and many other fragments can be found by visitors in the nature park center in Eberbach ( If you are theoretical, you can prepare yourself for a profound journey. Denn alles, was the nature park Neckartal-Odenwald ausmacht, found on the Breitenstein in Eberbach. There is a place in the Neckarsteigs.

Neben en met de verläuft der Pfad der Flussgeschichte: Zwischen Wald und Flur-herfährt der Wanderer nicht nur über die Veränderungen des Flusses, sonondern auch Wissenswertes über Streuobstwiesen and entdeckt auf the Feldern nor alte Apfelsorten. In the Wälder area you can see a curious beobachter on another stutzmauern, which is aimed in the wild. The rest of the viticulture, which was recorded here in the 1990s, is no longer available.

At the end of the road there is a human opportunity, which gives a herrlichen view into the Valley and of course onto the Neckar. If we want to erase the will, the names of the Teufels can be chosen, but it cannot be otherwise. I sat here in the following horrors 250 years ago. On the present parking lot Breitenstein there is a gallows, a gallows that was ordered for 250 years by humans. My scream was heard by the sound reflection to the Kanzel. If man no longer knows what the scream has been doing for so long, it must have been from the Teufel.

A nicer Saga is the Teufel from the little Odenwald who wanted a Katzenbuckel, a Vulkan, the transmission of a thing, and the Kanzel of the Teufel would make a Pause.

Burg Hornberg in Neckarzimmern. Photo: Ann-Kathrin Frei

Wed die “Eiserne Hand” in Hause ist

For 45 years, Götz von Berlichingen lived auf der Burg Hornberg in Neckarzimmern (, which in 1612 was in the Besitz der Familie von Gemmingen-Hornberg and in a heute noch de Familie-wohnt. For 900 years it has been private or “Untere Schloss”. Around 1790 the family that restored part of the Burg died and lived in the 12th generation.

Für Besucher ist die 1270 erstmals urkundlich erwähnte Obere Burg zugänglich. Jährlich finden 15,000 und 20,000 Menschen den Weg zu den Burgtürmen. The restored ruin of a gilded ruin as the best in the Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis, will be viewed as one of the other residents of the Herren von Berlichingen, the Bergfried and the Treppenturm with Blick on Neckarzimmern and the Neckar. Exceeding the Turmgefängnis der Burg for the visitors … once captured in Turm, does not happen so quickly.

Wer über Götz von Berlichingen erfahren möchte, kann auch das burgeigene Museum. Here you will find the rest of the Götz of Berlichingen and the “Eiserne Hand”. Zur Sammlung des Burgherrn Dajo von Gemmingen-Hornberg gehört auch die Erstausgabe der Memoires des Götzen, der mit 82 Years auf der Burg starb.

A Burgführung with Weinverkostung, if the man can try the Weine from his own Weingut, can be a feuchtfröhliches. The Weingut is one of the best products from the world and the world of 1184 that probably do not exist. Krönender Abschluss can visit the Hotel-Restaurant in the Burg.

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