
Wellness Urlaub: Deutsche Metropole is in the Top 10

Wellness Urlaub: Deutsche Metropole is in the Top 10

The tension in the Urlaub is heavy. Often there are people who can no longer relax in the course of time. Who else is busy with an Abwechslung with a Wellness-Urlaub?

+++ Urlaub in Mallorca: Were in Palma essen – es war unfassbar +++

But this question is still being pursued: Where can you best relax? Am I in a spa, a swimming pool, playing golf, in Liège in the sun or walking in nature? And who finds everything the best or when we get a einem Ort? Zum Glück gives its new rankings. Here are a few things we can do in the Western world.

Wellness Urlaub: This is the Top 10 Soul

The Versandapotheke „Deutsche Medz“ has received a new ranking. In the study 40 likely cities would compare according to different criteria. This is one of the experiences of the Wellness facilities, Hiking trails, Golf courses, Green areas, Hotel with Fitness center and Swimming pool that the duration of the Sonnenstunden am Dag.

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For Deutsche Gibt it is a bad Nachricht: Platz 1 and 2 gehen nach Australien. So führt Melbourne followed by Sydney das Ranking and. As the first German city, Berlin has everything on the square, followed by Paris (France) and behind Madrid (Spain) and London (England). Nor in the Top 10 since Lisbon in Portugal, Prag in Czechia, Vienna in Austria and Zurich in Switzerland.

Called City Hotels with fitness center and swimming pool walking path Golf courses Healthy restaurants Wellness instruction (per 100,000 homes) Cross section Sunshine in the summer Green layers Rating (out of 100) Overall rating (of 10)
1 Melbourne 343 608 118 127 62 8.8 80.4 6.35
2 Sydney 112 793 94 162 41 8.8 78.1 6.29
3 Madrid 67 90 52 557 27 12.2 80.9 6,12
4 London 66 86 438 736 27 7.8 80.4 5.96
5 Berlin 23 277 36 263 36 9.9 81.5 5.53
6 Paris 46 83 131 1088 36 9.0 57.3 5.45
7 Prague 19 178 32 149 54 10.2 80.1 5.45
8 Lisbon 44 146 26 454 53 10.3 68.1 5.41
9 Vienna 13 162 41 180 16 10.7 84.1 5,13
10 Zurich 6 122 43 128 78 9.6 69.8 5,11

Before the Top-Ziele deutsche Urlauber dann was nevertheless, it was rausfahren. The reason for this is that you will enjoy the best restaurants in Paris and the best restaurants in Zurich. Most tanning salons call Madrid home.