
Hollabrunn – Poly-Building for Schulbeginn in ehrgeizigen Endspurt

Hollabrunn – Poly-Building for Schulbeginn in ehrgeizigen Endspurt

When the new Schuljah begins, in the Bezirkshauptstadt of Fokus everything lies on the new Schulcampus, that his bet gets going. If you make debts, there are a few, and others in the PTS Hollabrunn. Dort was namely with Ferienbeginn – ebenso als in the adjacent Mittelschule – with the Renovation of the in those years come Sanitäranlagen begunet.

“I am grateful, because we have new WCs, and are looking forward to it, and who will be able to start with it,” said poly director Gerald Weihs to NÖN-Besuch. Den es herrscht noch Baustellenbetrieb. The sanitary facilities are not educational. No longer in Poly, but in both Stockworks, new toilet facilities were installed. „Mir wurde versprochen, dass de Schülern am 2. September de WCs zur Refügung stehen“, übt sich Weihs beim Rundgang in Zuversicht.

Schulwart Ernst Saure is the director of the “Mann des Jahres”

There is a gratitude for the support of the Schulerhalters, also for the Gemeinde, for the structure of the buildings is so similar. “Was I for a nice project but wanted: I was more concerned with the planning and the time plan of a plan, but wenn was not so smart.”

The debt that a solution offers to solve problems, is that you have to offer a part of your wardrobe. A wall, which this anlage “hides”, would not be targeted. If these construction kits are removed, it is like this: “The working states, in the factory that the factory has founded, are the smallest Räume, es should but the largest ones”, which gives the impression of the Wunsch that is offered here.

When the director leaves, when the marode Jalousien, who no longer weld teilweise, will become. “My greatest respect that Ernst Saure deserves, there is for me the Mann of the Year,” Weih’s niece said, was because of the committed Schulwart machen würde. “There is a tag that runs the cord and moves, that’s it.”

Poly is with capacity at the limit

On September 2, it started with more than 60 Schüler in the PTS in the new Schuljahr. “That is more than ever,” thus the director. The power may be great, but the ‘Trade and Business’ department can be even more concerned with the passing of three years. Die Klassenräumen reichen gerade noch aus. „We have since been prepared for a break in the future,’ says Weihs and it is true that in the coming years they will no longer become Schüler, as a Zuzug in der Stadt thinks.

If your company is engaged in taking a picture, then the Schüler will start and rest in the Zehn Monaten, the poly work. Das brauchen die Jugendlichen in der Zeit, die immer schnelllebiger wird, beobachtet der Schulleiter en concretet: “I have the Glück, dass in unserem Team foutahrene und junior Pädagogen sind, das is een genien Mix.”

If you do this, you will have to find the right Lehrberuf for the Jugendlichen zu finden. It is often not that easy to travel 250 hours in Österreich. There is a recovery for the Schüler, in the Berufswelt Fuß zu fassen. „We are willing to spend time with their children during their learning process“, so Weihs. That yellow intestine; Thank you for your good contact with our customers in Hollabrunn.

If the Schüler can get the best out of himself, it is a three-year period in the Freitagnachmittag one of the basic principles. The kostenlose stunde became a good thing.