
Augsburg Uduokhai kurz vor Wechsel in Turkei

Augsburg Uduokhai kurz vor Wechsel in Turkei

Abwehrspieler Felix Udokhai of FC Augsburg is committed to a Fußball-Bundesliga match in the Turkish city of Besiktas Istanbul. Der 26-Jährige zählte beim Augsburger 2:2 against the SV Werder Bremen nicht zum Kader, weil there vom Verein für Gespreche with another Club is exempted from war. “I’m happy, that’s the transfer in the last days,” said sports director Marinko Jurendic.

FCA Trainer Jess Thorup spoke of a Vereinbarung des Vereins met dem Spieler, dass dieser and another Ort “den nächsten Schritt” in the sea career machen wolle. “There were many years of joy in our lives,” said the Däne am Wochenende.

Uduokhai, since 2019 through the FCA-Trikot trip, would wechseln at the Leihbase after Istanbul, with a Kauf option. Laut Medien sollen voor de FCA insgesamt round they are Millionen Euro as Einnahmen möglich sein.

There is no divorce at Vargas

The transfer window in the Bundesliga is no longer a free attack. Wmoglich would not lose the FCA at the Schweizer Nationalspieler Ruben Vargas. “It’s interesting, the divorce is not fun. It is important to consider all aspects of the interests of Felix (Uduokhai),” Jurendic reported. “Reuben has no Jahr Vertrag. We have everything set, that is the way, that there will be, unterstzen.”