
Airbus Action: Auslieferungen steigen, Kurs stabil ()

Airbus Action: Auslieferungen steigen, Kurs stabil ()

The Airbus stock is trading at 140.94 euros and says he didn’t sell last time. I have a monthly discount rate of 0.84%. With the active level, the percentage of 14.67% is at the level of 52 homes, but not yet 22.62% below the year.

Positive Entwicklung bei Flugzeugauslieferungen

Erfreulich entwickelten ich zuetzt de Auslieferungszahlen des Flugzeugbauers. I was able to build a great mountain with Airbus 65 machines in July and show the pace in the design of the German jetty. For the rest of the years, the Unternehmen mit durchschnittlich 74 Auslieferungen pro Monat, um das Jahresziel von 720 Flugzeugen zu erreichen.

Analysts see the positive results of the study, while the higher exit fees are expected from the reassignment and profit disintegration studies. However, the exit fees remain the same as the supply chain problem and the power crunch. To a large extent, the Airbus stock can yield a dividend of 1.75%.


Airbus promotion: Buy or sell?! New Airbus Analysis from 25. August loves Antwort:

The noses of Airbus-Zahlen speak a clear language: Urgent Handlungsbedarf for Airbus-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? In the free analysis on August 25th it was time.

Airbus: buy or sell? Read more here…