
Environment – Was Familien bei der Urlaubsbuchung besonders wichtig ist

Environment – Was Familien bei der Urlaubsbuchung besonders wichtig ist

to travel

For families who live in their home in the future.

Shutterstock/Yaroslav Astakhov

In Collaborative work with the British Market and Meinungsforschungsinstitut “YouGov” with the Reiseunternehmen “Urlaubsguru” 1,000 Eltern befragt, would be in Urlaub Wert empty. Drei Dinge is important to the family.

Specifications for children’s special needs: A children’s room on the hotel grounds, a playground in the vicinity of the holiday home or a lounge where children and young people can play with alternative play opportunities and an uninterrupted, for 68 percent of the guests a high set value. There is a good pool for the round 64 percent of the parents.

No standard cooking and eating needs: Viele Eltern wollen im Urlaub so direct de Seele baumeln lassen. In case you couldn’t remember, the man doing the duty was alone. Ebenfalls beef 64 Prozent der Befragten zeehen dementsprechend einen Urlaub mit Service, meist in eeninem Hotel, vor.

Die Ausstattung der Räumlichkeiten: Schön gestaltete, saubere und large Hotelzimmer or Appartements since für 60 Prozent der Eltern relevant.