
Abduction in the Summer: Credible Life Experience is a Real Calorie Fall

Abduction in the Summer: Credible Life Experience is a Real Calorie Fall

Genie is a man who is not forgotten. If you have found the fragment, you can buy the extra kilos and find the Lieblings-Shorts that you can find one of the following cases that is the best of some other belt.

1. Sugary drinks

Eiskalte Erfischungsgetränke versprechen schnelle Abkühlung, ist ein Leader in un Kalorienfalle. Ob Cola, Lemonade or Multivitamine Saft – under 100 Calorien pro Glass kommt man at keiner Sorte.

If it is good, you can clean the mineral water in a clean way. That is of course golden: The “thinner” the scurf is mixed, the larger the water antelope is, the better you come away with more calories.

If there is no more energy, it is not that you can make a “Near Water” action. There are mineral waters with fruit or herb aroma, which now contain 30 calories per glass.

Ganz ohne Kalorien is drenched in water: Dafür became Früchte, Kräuter or Gemüse wie Gurken in een Karaffe met Wasser gegeben. Geschmack ohne Kalorien – perfect for the summer!

2. Vermeintlich „leichte“ Gericht

If the temperature in the Mittagspause is high, a warm Mahlzeit display is displayed. Often this is an alternative alternative to salatgegriffen. It may be that it goes well.

If self-esteem is so figure-friendly and well-directed, its value can be increased as quickly as possible.

For all fruitful connections, Fett and Zucker often fell. If you eat toppings with croutons, cheese and nuts, the salaat at the end of the days can taste as delicious as a proper warm Mahlzeit.

It would take a long time for Eiskaffee to disappear in the summer. Often it is the case that the temperature is high during the summer. Kaffee?

But big surprise: Ice coffee naturally delights ice – and the creamy vanilla is with a mere 200 kcal not really a fig snack. If you haven’t baked waffles and a decorative waffle, you can get such a delicious warm meal of 650 calories.

Besser: Eiskaffee with Eiswürfeln kühlen, a Hauch Vanillezucker unterrühren (nur wer mag) and with kalter Milch or Mandeldrink aufgießen. It is a light, hereditary Eiskaffee.

4. Festive drink

When you have a drink in the Abendsonne, you will definitely feel like you are among the “must-do’s” of the summer.

If you are feeling down, you can no longer enjoy the liquid coffee: for a nice summer feeling with a cocktail with Piña Colada which is a leader with 400 calories per glass.

A normal beer (129 kcal per glass) or a glass of Sekt (160 kcal per glass) scales in the right amount neatly in the buche – from the healthy night of alcohol to the schweigen.

If you are using a Sundowner, you can look no further. If you are watching your figure, the Beispiel Weinschorle (now 69 kcal per glass) may be an alternative.

5. Proper Grill-Oriented

Grilling in the summer during the plätzchenbacken in the winter. Before all the bratwurst countries end up on the grill, this makes sense, so it is good to eat.

However, 100 grams of sausage contains 330 calories. If you get the chance that you will suffer from meat-steaks and your overtime in the industry, then one of the financial problems that you can solve. Meat or fish contains 50 percent fewer calories.

If you want to choose from different types of meat, you can choose from a choice alternative: mushroom skewers, zucchini or eggplant (with salt, pfeffer and oregano gewürzt) and a grill alternative to Fleisch.