
Bayern: Zauberfuß Sevcik protects Nürnberg first Auswärtspunkt

Bayern: Zauberfuß Sevcik protects Nürnberg first Auswärtspunkt

Zauberfuß Sevcik beschert Nürnberg ersten Auswärtspunkt

Miroslav Klose played as a punk in Darmstadt, after he had played the team with “Manner-Fußball” in the 2. Liga. A Joker aims at 1:1 with a traumator.

Darmstadt (dpa/lby) – Der Zauberfuß von Neuzugang Michal Sevcik from 1. FC Nürnberg and Trainer Miroslav Klose protect the first Auswärtspunkt in the 2. Fußball-Bundesliga. We continue with the Bundesliga-Absteiger SV Darmstadt 98 players of the “Club” in 3. Play a 1:1 (0:1) punkt and how now insgesamt four Zähler on them Konto.

“So, whoever spent the first 30 minutes is a glücklicher punkt. We will do a bang-your-heart analysis,” Klose said. The long period of time in Franken vor 17,810 Zuschauern am aus verkauften Böllenfalltor durch den Schwedischen Neuzugang Isac Lidberg (23. Minute) in Rückstand. Then you can find the right Joker: Neuzugang Sevcik glich auf Vorlage des nieuw Zehners Julian Justvan with a seen Linksschuss in the Shop from (62.). It is a war with the Czech balcony branch.

“Können zufrieden sein mit dem Punkt”

“That is not the football we imagine now”, says Klose zum Gesamtauftritt. In the second league “more men’s football” is played. In the Second World War the war becomes a bit more exciting. “When the ball blew on the ground, I could play a game”, says the Nuremberg coach.

Kloses Mannschaft has a long, large kitchen that makes campfstarken and playfreudigen Darmstädter. Fynn Lakenmacher’s Steilpass ermöglichte die deserving Darmstädter Führung durch Lidberg. “Nach de Spielverlauf können wir zufrieden sein mit dem Punkt”, said Army Chief Robin Knoche, which did not do the Darmstadt gentor any good.

Club debutant and ex-Darmstadter Justvan leitet 1:1 ein

The agile Jens Castrop shot a SVD goalkeeper Marcel Schuhen before the break. At the first previous debutant Justvan: The ex-Hoffenheimer-played in the lost back-run at the Leihbasis near Darmstadt and the now of Nuremberg verblichtet. The new Spielmacher can find a “decent” position, such as Patience: “We are a new team with a new trainer.”

Play continues at the break in the Bundesliga-Absteiger in South Sudhessen: Lidberg beats the Spitzem shop in 2:0. Exceed the field dann der Ausgleich. The 22-year-old Tscheche Sevcik had reached Schon beim Nürnberger Pokalsieg in Saarbrücken. FCN-Schlussmann Jan Reichert rettetet the Signaler Mannschaft with a whole grim parade at Schuss von Matej Maglica in the Schlussphase den Punkt.