
Quality: Offizieller Start der Apfelernte im Landkreis Stade

Quality: Offizieller Start der Apfelernte im Landkreis Stade

At the Court of Obstbauer Knut Schliecker in Drochtersen-Hüll, the Apfelsaison 2024 was a fantastic opening event. The Fachgruppe Obstbau for a smaller country population will use the Startschuss for mortality figures. Claus Schliecker, de Vorsitzende der Fachgruppe, nutzte die Opportunité, un German Worte und de Politik und Lebensmitteleinzelhandel thus targeted. Landrat Kai Seefried concrete de enge Verbindung der Region zum Obstbau.

The Obstbauern in Lower Saxony are looking forward to the upcoming Erntezeit. “The fresh Äpfel has a really nice quality,” says Claus Schliecker. In these weeks, the heart of the past years was acknowledged by guest Knut Schliecker. When you start the Ernte, it has been a year since there has been a business. Moreover, the new quality of life is high: the construction of the construction process is possible after 20 years since 2023. Since then, the longest construction period has been achieved in the other German construction regions – which is still the case in Thuringia d Saxony.

The official execution of the work at Obsthof Schliecker in Drochtersen-Hüll statt | Photo: Landkreis Stade / Daniel Beneke

Herausforderungen und Erfolge im Obstbau

The Obstbau and the Niederelbe ensure high quality and an excellent rendering, concrete Claus Schliecker. Beef 500 Familiesbetriebe seien Guarantees for the high quality. “Working in harmony with nature – that is exciting every year,” Schliecker said. In those years life began as long as not. Here is the power of the climate walking brand bar. Grateful frost protection and additional water could ensure that the buildings in Kehdingen and the Alten Land are still productive. “Die new Äpfel schmecken revorragend”, erklärte der Sprecher der Landvolk-Fachgruppe. “Wir tun alles, was Politik und Gesellschaft of our desire,” said Claus Schliecker with Blick auf die hohen Umweltstandards in Deutschland.

Time of the German apple

Forderung nach fairen Erzeugerprijsen

If the construction produces a larger number of results, Schliecker can make an additional reward: the construction work can be done with more work. The refusal-einiger Lebensmittelkonzerne, not once discussed zu fuhren, sei for the Obstbauern not acceptable. The Daher factory is a factory that ended in November. Schliecker criticizes Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) for making decisions in the Mindestlohnkommission. So Stelle Weil dies the tariff autonomy infrage.

The obstbauern has become a political issue. “We set up a dialogue, stand on a blockade”, so Schliecker. The protest of the farmers in the winter brought Schliecker to the improvements for the obstbau. A clear insight into the agriculture and its construction is different, as far as I am concerned.

Esteburg is a green classroom

Unterstützung by Landrat Seefried

Landrat Kai Seefried bezeichnete the Obstbau as an important Werbeträger for the region. “We are so proud that we will have the land district of Stade with the Alten Land und Kehdingen that we will have the greatest future in the Nordeuropas region,” said Seefried. The construction of the economy is intended for the business enterprise of the rural districts as well as for the tourism of a larger beddeutung. Thanks are due to Claus Schliecker for attacking Worte and the baked protest in the winter. The damals who were scolded were stunned.

Landrat Kai Seefried has the Bedeutung des Obstbaus for the region – on the Bereich Tourismus | Photo: Landkreis Stade / Daniel Beneke

Appell an die Politik: Fachwissen einbeziehen

See also the questions from the politicians in the country and the federal government: “For wichtigen Entscheidungen sollte man immer das Präch mit de Fachleuten suchen.” The region is protected against the Obstbau. A Leuchtturm is the Obstbau-Kompetenzzentrum Esteburg. The work of the Obstbauern was not of the Landkreisstadion. No one makes more use of environmental protection than the secret Landwirtschaft with Obstbau: “That is Biodiversität pure, that is Artenschutz pure.” Regional Obst zu purchase, especially considering climate protection.