
St. Pauli power das Spiel, Heidenheim die Tore: Bittere Pleite zum Bundesliga-Start

St. Pauli power das Spiel, Heidenheim die Tore: Bittere Pleite zum Bundesliga-Start

When FC St. Pauli plays in the Bundesliga, it can best play a Europa Cup match – and it is finally happening with learning hands. A match in the 2:0 match of 1. FC Heidenheim at Millerntor is a fact. The ascent must pay learning money.

Um Punkt 17.30 Uhr führte Robert Wagner with Anstoß aus – der Start in the braun-weiße Bundesliga-Saison, which ends with the first class final of the Kiezkicker since 1996 soll. Trainer Alexander Blessin went on the links track from Lars Ritzka to Fin Stevens, to the Pokal in Halle, nor in the Startelf position. Both Mannschaften agierten zunächst verhalten. Bis auf einen deutlich am St. Pauli-Tor vorbeifliegenden Weitschusss von Adrian Beck (4.) there was little spectacle in the initial phase. St. Pauli is perhaps one of the most ordered Spielaufbau, in Zweifel on Torwart Nikola Vasilj. Heidenheim also has little room for steep passes for the brown-white Sturm duo Eggestein/Guilavogui. If St. Pauli is the ball, but still a bit in the Strafraum back, it will be a piece of cake: Der Flachschuss von Connor Metcalfe (20th) 17 metres from the Tor-vorbei.

There is a war going on with the signal for an offensive, while the St. Paulis leads the Metcalfe movement to another stunde with the fuhrung against the heat. The Australian has followed a flank of Morgan Guilavogui directly, but Heidenheim goalkeeper Kevin Müller was able to parry the volleyball. After a quick Angriff over Eric Smith, Jackson Irvine, Johannes Eggestein and Ritzka, Philipp Treu (41.) shoots on the right on Tor. No goal for the half-time break, but a chance plus for St. Pauli – and the Ahnung, that the rise with new playing system in the prize class Heidenheim can only.


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Was this the Preisklasse Heidenheim? The Sensations-Mannschaft der Vorsaison played in the Europapokal, but also “Verflixtes zweites Jahr” in the Bundesliga. Heidenheim has lost the offensive and the competition at home – the football Aschenputtel drückt der Schuh for all time. Von de Nachfolgern deutete nur Leonardo Scienza vor der Pause annähernd Gefahr an.

I won the war in the Millerntor stadium after 13 years of Bundesliga abstinence-wonderful – and it was a quiet ball for the execution. Guilavogui loved a perfectly circled Smith-Freistoß, brought the ball with his head but not on the gate (47.). Guilavogui remained faithful to bad luck: After a grim fear over Metcalfe, an Irvine-Hereingabe for the leather gate only a hair’s breadth passed (63.).

Heidenheim konert St. Pauli eiskalt aus

St. Pauli war in the Drücker – and lies itself out. After Smith-Ecke had done a Wahl investigation into Schuss, but FCH-keeper Müller wehrte ab. While St. Pauli lost the fight a second ball, Heidenheim with a three-on-three-counter, the Wanner (66.) with a long Schuss in long Eck with 0:1 abscissa. Bayer Leverkusen or Bayern Munich have found a man who has acted under the heading “Cleverness of the opponent”. The war in Heidenheim is now a fact and a worse Lohn for the own Tordrang.

In the final quarter, Manolis Saliakas celebrated the comeback for St. Pauli, together with Oladapo Afolayan and Carlo Boukhalfa on the Platz. The Kiezkicker effects are a bit, but the flight can last a few years longer in Heidenheim. If Jan Schöppner at a Ecke von Matthias Honsak and the long Pfosten schlich and dort zum 0:2 einschoss (82.), the sold-out Bundesliga premiere of FC St. Pauli perfect.

The bitter Heimniederlage awakened Erinnerungen in the black Bundesliga-Auftakt 1988, when the Kiezklub won the 1. FC Nürnberg of the best game, almost losing 0:1. 33 Spiele später stand mit Platz zehn das bislang beste Ergebnis in St. Paulis Bundesliga-Geschichte. It’s all a big asset at the moment.