
WOCHENAUSBLICK: Zinspolitik könnte Dax weiter anschieben – Nvidia-Realitätscheck

WOCHENAUSBLICK: Zinspolitik könnte Dax weiter anschieben – Nvidia-Realitätscheck

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The insights and meanings of both the Atlantiks can start the Anleger on the Aktienmarkt that stopped at Laune in the new week. The American nut bank chief Jerome Powell has had a Freitag of a monetary policy approach during the meeting of the central bank in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I think it is better to use the AI ​​chip conzers of Nvidia, so that more messages can be read. And: the low in the future will shine in the battle after a retaliatory song of the Lebanese Hisbollah soldiers against Israel in the week. If all goes well, the Federal Reserve (Fed) will be more than four years into the meaning cycle in September. The insight has had a positive effect and inflation has been on the way to Zielmarke of the Swedish Prozent, so Powell. Another Abkühlung on the labor market does not apply.

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Spekulier is getting longer, but in September a larger sentence with a value of 0.50 to 0.25 Percent points come. Powell is in the field of concrete and concrete, the time point and the pace of the sentence senses of new economic data.

“The Spatzen-pfiffen are still busy since the working market report for July of the day,” wrote analyst Elmar Völker of the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) after the Powell-Aussagen. “The US Nutbank starts on September 18. September is a leitzzinswende. Everything that is different is a great sensation.”

The signal of the US labor market with a German swächeren-stellenaufbau due to the outbreak of the war and the zinssenkungen is still high and the Börsen are still steered. Also the Dax has put its strength and the price of the beginning of the month started with a value of more than 1,600 points.

Move the companies in the new world of the Abwechslung over the nachrichten of the Technology sector. The reporting is idiosyncratic, so it is absolutely impossible to work with Nvidia The US economy of computer chips for intelligent intelligence (AI) has not even brought a tech heavyweight to the agenda, and history has not yet begun.

Nvidia is all over the market cap and the huge range the technology offers can provide the best freedom of movement. The bilanzvorlage lasted from the height of the new week. Barclays Bank analysts see another reality check for the market.

This means that the action of the US chip makers has brought the German erholt and Kurs on the market in June. The quarters and the view of Nvidia were shown on the nachfrage nach KI-Chips and the viewing analysis for the group. Investors who are critical in their reporting on the US market about the interests of companies and companies with an active action, can divert their attention, focus on investments, follow the market observer. The reservations about the development of KI-Investments have their best prospects in the beige technical sector.

But death is the result of history. The sector has a rapid effect on the Schwäche-erholt. Signal for a more robust Wirtschaftswachstum can stir the Gemüter in the Parquet. Die neut gestiegen Aktienkurse von KI-Unternehmen belegen de Zuversicht der Anleger, dass die Investitionen in Künstliche Intelligenz at a high level, where it is possible and more Unternehmen Money in the Aufbau von Infrastruktur for KI-stecken.

By the Nvidia action in the new world which has another record, it can be used. Positive results of Nvidia can improve the technical sector and further investigate the Börsenkurse here, wengleich on Dax Tech Title is no longer available.

Der Deutsche Leitindex war Anfang August noch bis auf fast 17,000 Punkte fell, de anschließende Aufholjagd führte ihn aktuell zurück bis auf fast 18,700 Punkte. If all goes well, the Rekordhoch of Mitte Mai will be visible at 18,893 Zählern.

Sentence advice can help, it is a problem. Gertrud Traud, head chef of the Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, founded the European Central Bank (EZB) in September and received a loan of 2.5 percent on the 2025 annual term. If you find a position in the research into the market and the trends clear, then everything in Germany is one of the most important things we can think of, we will go to the EZB with a certain pressure to investigate this. This must be done in a strong way, one of the economic situation in eurospace will be taxed, writes si.

Whoever has the German Wirtschaft der Zeit Einschätzen would have gilded the most important German Konjunkturbarometer with the Ifo-Geschäftsklima-zeigen. You can keep an eye on the German language (in the Donnerstag) and the eurozone (in the Freitag) in the future. I think that inflation in August fell 2.6 to 2.1 percent of inflation and that the experts of the commercial bank are happy about it. The decline of the EZB in his analysis of Leitzinssenkung in the best September period, so the economy. If you look back at inflation to the end of the years, then that is about 2.5 percent and the EZB soul has ended.

From the Konjunkturdaten und de Nvidia-Zahlen abgesehen, stehen hierzulande in de neuer Woche noch wenige Nachzügler aus der sweaten und written Reihe met Quartalsbilanzen auf der Agenda, darunter am Donnerstag van Essenlieferdienst Delivery Hero ./ajx/la/he

— Von Achim Jüngling, dpa-AFX —

Source: dpa-AFX