
Kein Handyempfang in A 44-Tunnel Hirschhagen

Kein Handyempfang in A 44-Tunnel Hirschhagen

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Kein Handyempfang in A 44-Tunnel Hirschhagen
In Tunnel Hirschhagen there is never any Empfang (Assembly). © PRIVAT, BILDMONTAGE: hna

Although the current technology is unknown, it is also not possible to be handy in a 44-Tunnel Hirschhagen.

Helsa – “Hello? Horst du mich? Bist du noch dran?’ So or how long it takes if a man in the Hirschhagen Tunnel on the Autobahn 44 from Helsa-Ost and Hessisch Lichtenau-West wants to make phone calls. Keine Chance – spatestens nach a Kilometer journey from Empfang ab. Furthermore, for the remaining four kilometers, the telephone number is empty and empty – no signal. It’s not that you can no longer be handy, stream music or take advantage of the navigation functions. Who is that?

After a quick launch of the tunnel, it will be available in October 2022. All construction phases of technical research were carried out three years ago. The Autobahn GmbH, which is affiliated with a total of 550 tunnel construction projects in Germany, confirms that there is currently no signal in the tunnel. In early 2023, the Telekom Treatise on Mobile Communications (HNA) reported. However, the installation company is beautiful, the hardware order. Construction work, for the tunnel was blocked, was not necessarily required for the installation.

Die Nutzungsvereinbarung fehlt noch

If it hadn’t all gone well, war was an unwritten Utility Agreement. You can’t wait for a while until you’ve done something. The Agreement is no longer out. The necessary mobile technology in the tunnel must be installed by Michael Wendt of the Autobahn GmbH on HNA-Nachfrage with. “We will now clarify the last details for the Utility Agreement,” says Wendt.

It is said that the Vertrag in the kommenden Wochen zu können zu. Anschließend kan gehen de Mobilfunktechnik im Tunnel in Betrieb. The Unmut der Autofahrer und de Wunsch nach kontinuierlichem Empfang – insonderere nach een so langen Bauzeit – sei nachvollziehbar, sagt Jeannine Ulm, Pressesprecherin of ACE Auto Club Europa. Grundsätzlich sei in Tunneln für Pannen und Unfälle vorgesorgt. Ulm verweist darauf, de ausgeschilderten Radiosender einzustellen, um im Notfall which contains information about them. If Hilfe is regularly absent, a not-telephone can be used, but the e-insatzkräfte can recognize the genauen standard in the tunnel.

If you use a company for the note, when the car transmissions of the lock pins to weld, damn the recovery forces of the car can move when damaged.