
Hanau A Go-Go öffnet wieder seine Türen

Hanau A Go-Go öffnet wieder seine Türen

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Hanau A Go-Go öffnet wieder seine Türen
Wollen de Musikbar zum Erfolg führen: Karsten Sucker (left) and Jürgen Müller, the new background of “Hanau A Go-Go”. © Detlef Sundermann

Die Kultkneipe Hanau A Go-Go is an end to the Monats Wiederereröffnung. There is a music program and a new music program that will enter the local music of the meeting point for music.

Hanau – For the cultural sector, the intention is that “Hanau A Go-Go” gets a new chance, which four nunmehr. The end of the Monats is a fact. The great music of the music of the 50s and 60s may be one of the music cultures of rock and blues of local music of the 50s and 60s, but one of the music cultures of rock and blues of local art of life is not only with photography in the host country.

Karsten Sucker and Jürgen Müller now became the Barführen. Zum Erfolg is one of the most advanced collaborations with other institutions of the city, and with the city marketing and the organizer of the Hanauer Wohnzimmerkonzerte.

Kultkneipe Hanauer A Go Go hat new Betreiber

“Der Bedarf ür eine Bar wie das Hanau A Go-Go ist beim Publikum and bei Künstler vorhanden,” said Karsten Sucker. Signal Kompagnon Jürgen Müller said: “The local is a good source of support for the Hanauer Kneipenszenein.” Both have known themselves for 20 years and the Hanauer Nightlife is not only a visitor. The Hanau A Go-Go, not mixed with the Whiskey A Go-Go on the Altstädter Markt, is Müller and Sucker vertraut. “I was sorry about the inconvenience of the guest,” said Müller.

Now if a snippet is a bet, it’s a good thing that Sucker is considered a partner. Both of them are safe in others that were completed or since, past the background, they can be delivered.

Sucker, 45, Wahl-Hanauer und Meister in de Sicherheitsgewerbe, voor alle at Tourneen von Musikgrößen met und Robin Williams, die gastroërfahrung in de Vereinslokal der Hanau 93er sammelt. In younger years the expression is a Konzertveranstalter. “I visited Rammstein in Jena in the Rosenkeller on the stage. “It’s time for my first LP,” says Sucker. My friendship journey has brought home a man who is passionate about gastronomy. Dan habe man ihm de Bar an der Hirschstraße vorgestellt.

Müller, 52, Hotelfachlehre is no longer a Kneipier in Leiden. The only “Pierrot” or the “Brückenkopf” were in Wirkungsstätten. Jedoch in Nebenerwerb. And so there are problems at the music bar. “Mein Betrieb für Beschriftung und Werbetechnik bleibt mein Hauptberuf,” says Müller.

Four times a year from Hanau A Go-Go

Major visual changes with a small venue with seating for 40 people, at concerts that are bought at the age of 70, never before. “The furniture remains”, is what it says. However, the estimated two-part quadratmeter-sized stage would receive a mobile extension. There are a number of failed programs with a possible extensive cultural spectrum, and that becomes a bit of a weekend. Cabaret can indulge in all music. Local, regional bands and sollen dabei in Vordergrund sit.

Plant it in the winter in the “Wohnzimmerkonzerte” of the city pubs in the south of the light. A series, in the pros with regard to a boat, there is talk of it. If the stilrichtungen in Hanau are a Go-Go-ziemlich, Rock’n’Roll or Rockabilly is played without Muss. It is nice to hear rock or funk.

With Muller and Sucker the Bar has in the coming years and the best prices for the four bets. “If Muller and Sucker is not bought, then nothing”, stands for lessor Daniel Siebert. “There are many interests and high supply points for the charging station”, says. But for Siebert and my wife is Hanau A Go-Go a heart project. Siebert, as a filmmaker with “Roll Over Hanau – a city, the American and his music”, has a great power, which has the local atmosphere with a great atmosphere, which is his guest in the wild 1950s and 1960s in Hanau. “Hanau sounds like Hessian St. Pauli”, so Siebert. Damals were twelve GIs in a stationed Hanau. You import the American-American music culture in Hanau, except with live music. This episode of the city would not be forgotten, so Siebert.

Could it be that the bar no longer functions? “Then we would try with our own future owners,” Siebert laughs: “I’m glad I did, but that’s not the case.” By Detlef Sundermann

The Hanau A Go-Go

“Hanau A Go-Go”, Hirschstraße 5, Eröffnungsfeier am 30. August with Denkerskind and Warm Place, anyway am 31. August with Mike Tallmadge and Reverend Schulzz. Start jewelery at 7 pm. The end ride is free. Internet: