
It was September 14th that everything took place at the Marktplatz

Am Samstag, September 14, discovery from 10 to 17 Uhr der Klimatag on the Marktplatz in Hammelburg statt. Franz Zang, District Director of the Australian Federal Nature Protection Agency, said that most of the Australians and Ausstellers have a positive attitude towards their lives, but are not happy with their experiences, “without having negative experiences in their activities.” Care and care have never become instrumental, an initiative for the climate protection has not been discussed.

Were the Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmer, sich am Klimatag zu engagieren? And was it money you saw? The editorial team in Vorfeld is great.

Leonie Hassenjürgen’s climbing manager is now a gemeinsam

“Klimaschutz geht nur gemeinsam”, says Klimaschutzmanager Leonie Hassenjürgen from Landratsamt Bad Kissingen. A community thank you and an Austausch star, who can prepare a quiz with my colleagues and colleagues from Hammelburg, Bad Brückenau, Münnerstadt and Bad Kissingen, for the sake of this man can come together with the Ausstellenden ins Gespräch. This is said, among other things, about the city trade with its rural districts Solarkataster.

“We will continue to grow our energies in our rural district, for our homes and for everyone,” says Maximilian Schaupp of the Bürgerenergiegenossenschaft in the Bad Kissingen district. “So we can achieve better results in our hands.” Beim Klimatag präsentiert die Genossenschaft Ansätze regenerativer Energieerzeugung von Photovoltaik on Balkon bis zum Hausdach.

Waldemar Bug, who uses more photovoltaic energy sources, gives practical climate advice, with efficiency and a mobility aid. The theme of Wasserstoff als langzeitspeicher is pursued.

The Jakob-Kaiser-Realschule is located at the Stand des Weltladens

“The interaction with each other is a whole effort,” says Annemarie Fell vom Weltladen. Genau with the climate tag finds the German countryside the “Faire Woche” statt. Beim Klimatag will der Weltload mit de Menschen ins Gespräch kommen and um Verstandnis werben: “Klimarechtigkeit is nur durch Handel”, erklärt Fell.

Am Stand des Weltladens is available at the Jakob-Kaiser-Realschule. When a project is carried out, it is possible that recycling and recycling projects are recycled, which can change the climatic conditions. Create another map with soft drink containers and items, which are made of jeans, vor.

Carina Kömpel presents a leadership stand at climate tag

Boated on a Kleidertauschstand. “That is more like a Möglichkeit, Kleidung zu tauschen,” says organizer Carina Kömpel of Arbeitskreis Klima des Bundes Naturschutz. The stand documentation, which would be a bit in the Alltag, could be done. “It is possible to bring happiness, Altes loszulassen and dabei etwas Neues zu entdecken”, ermuntert Kömpel zum Mitmachen.

“If you are a child of mobility”, said Burkard Schmitt with his car sharing initiative, the car with the car. There is an intelligent representation of life. “Besitz ist Ballast”, Schmitt thinks. Car sharing is made possible by car sharing and can provide savings for generations.

Lebensmittel aus der Region und verschiedene Rezeptideen

Claudia Reusch vom Potatis-Hof in Elfershausen works with her cardboard creations for Lebensmittel from the region on a climate-friendly road. The Zubereitung-reicht of the Ofenkartoffel with Kräuterquark bis zu Falafel with Kartoffel-Brotaufstrich. “That’s a whole day of fun,” he says.

Cecilia Antoni works at the Krankenkassen who deals with Planetary-Health-Diet-related matters. Empfohlen is used by the Verzehr von 75 Gramm Hülsenfrüchten pro Tag, which goes through clean Anbau and Nährstoffreichtum auszeichnen. “75 grams of freshly baked chicken, 130 grams of purchased chicken, and that’s a great mix”, you can enjoy one workshop with recipes.

Die Hammelburger Tafel said, wie man Lebensmittel sachrecht lagert

The Rhön nature center, which the free state in the Kellereischloss-establishment, is suitable for climate with the ventilation and the recycling of plastic. “We bring a spritzgussmachine with the new work statistics, a new instruction,” said Joachim Schneider. New plastic packaging is being made. At Klimatag gives a sweeper to the premiere.

“Lebensmittel – Zu gut für die Tonne”, is the motto of the Hammelburger Tafel zum Klimatag. Deren Helfer is born Tipps, whoever lowers the man’s Lebensmittel sachgemäß, will not move on so quickly. While the Waren have been recruited away, the Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum überschRITen ist. It’s a matter of removing “Verbrauchsdatum”. The table is ready to use and costs a lot of money.

More about Climate Day in Hammelburg under