
Weinheimer Herbst: Erlebniswochenende stht bevor – Rhein-Neckar – Nachrichten en Aktuelles aus der Region

Weinheim. (RNZ) Two days full of programs for the two towns – with Weinheimer Herbst am coming on Wednesday, 14. and 15. September, since the Flaneure zum Shopping, Schauen and Genießen have been loaded. “Wir friends who spend their lives and thoughts, we have unforgettable experiences and attractive programs that we live in”, the part of the Society “Lebendiges Weinheim” mit.

Der Voorstand der Interessenvertretung der active Einzelhändler-organiser van de Weinheimer Herbst met dem städtischen Amt für Kommunikation, Kultur, Tourismus und Wirtschaft.

Bereits am Samstag, September 14, were the first Artisans and Market movers in the Stände in der Hauptstraße aufbauen. Selbiges gold-plated for the Slow-Food-Produzentenmarkt, der zum mittlerweile is led in the program of the Weinheimer Kruiden-eingebunden-wereld.

Ebenfall’s samstags are played in front of the Weinheim Gallery at the Dürreplatzfest – with a program of live music. Shopping Spa with car ride and children’s program on September 15, bring: From 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., you can enjoy active travelers with fun and activities.

The then closed Bahnhofstraße with their Automeile, from the Autohäuser from the Region den Citizens with new Modelle present.

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Falkner said in his Greifvögel

Neben de Angeboten der über 30 Stand-Beschicker in der Hauptstraße gibt es in der Mittleren Hauptstraße, a Slow Food theme fell on the deck. Ebenfalls is the Radlerverband ADFC, which makes the Dürrestraße zur Fahrrad-Teststrecke unusable.

On the Dürreplatz appears a live stage program with dance groups from the region, such as the Weinheimer Band “Exact”. A file file of programs is the siege of the city activities, next to the large Kreisstadt, which is grimly split off. A new year is the children’s program, the city Weinheim-sonntags in Kooperation mit der Volkshochschule (VHS) Badische Bergstraße in the Atrium in the Bahnhofstraße on the Beine-stellt.

Boats will be in a Mitmach program at the VHS Action Stand on Saturday, September 14. On Sunday, September 15, when the Geo-Park Ranger will undergo a Burgen-Quiz assessment at Gast, the young years and everyone can be their own Burg-city. At the Gesellschaft für Umweltbildung (GUB) the little ones can perform an experiment in nature.

A special attraction is a combination of both Tagen: Both see Falkner Florian and Karsten Fath in Greifvögel. “We are happy with each other in our shared region, who share the experiences of our neighbors with the Weinheimerinnen and Weinheimern together,” said Christian Mayer, the Vorsitzende des Vereins “Lebendiges Weinheim”. However, if you don’t mind the Weinheimer “Herbst-Wetter” with games, this is two days to come.