
Man stuck in door

Man stuck in door

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Felix W., Rollstuhlfahrer, working in the eingeklemmt. The more time it takes, the easier the route will be because it will be easier to connect the buttons. Nun kam der Fall voor Gericht.

Frankfurt – Der Amtsrichter bezeichnet am Donnerstag das, was Felix W. on 14. October 2022 erleben musste, als “Horrorfahrt” und “Höllenritt”. Both are directional.

W. war en diesem Abend im Regionalexpress von Fulda nach Frankfurt underwegs. If you are in Fulda, you have a motor flight of 31 years in Fulda, a Einstiegshelferin-sagt, is useful at planted Ausstieg am Frankfurter Südbahnhof Hilfe.

Der Zug was on the way to the Hauptbahnhof.
Der Zug was on the way to the Hauptbahnhof. © Renate Hoyer

If you come to the W., there are only a few cars left, and you will leave after 10.30 pm. No one’s coming. Der für den Zug is a very good experience. W. Versucht es alleine – sein Rollstuhl wrd von der sich schließenden Tür eingeklemmt, der Zug fährt los, Ws Beine baumeln in Freien, on the Bahnsteig schürft is sich the Schienbein bis on the Knochen auf, zweimal schlagen seine beine gegen Betonpoller, aber fewens spürt W. dort keine Schmerzen more.

Lokführer does not go beyond the end, as Türsignal leuchtet

Then the train stops. The Lokführer has noticed the light signal, it is an attack that is getting underway and the train stops. There is now a problem with writing this book and it is no longer the case that the end of the book has been reached. There is nothing more to it than the Eingeklemmten. There is a good choice. The train moves on.

“My two hinges and my star in that night,” remembers W. in Zeugenstand. When Rollstuhl stands on the other side of the road, the party can no longer be seen, but it is true that both Armen and Stangen engage in battle, a non-rauszufallen. I see clearly: “The next poll will travel this way.”

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Deutsche Bahn speaks of Kontrollverlust: “Fahrpläne could not yet be appreciated”

Then the miracle happens: Der Zug stops but neither on freer Strecke. A trip that I made at the Südbahnhof in Vorfall is beobachtet en de Notruf gewählt. Diesmal läuft der alarmierte Lokführer bis nach hinten en in turneilt de drige Situation trocken en zweisilbig: „Scheiße!”

Watch W. with his heute Flashbacks and Träume von der Höllenfahrt

So W. turns that situation into reality. Er träume Regelmäßig von der Fahrt – in Echtzeit. There are more flashbacks. Signal right Bein plagten seitdem Spastiken. A job in the Geschäftsführung is an experience that has never occurred in psychotherapy. The Bahn is guilty of innocent guilt and not guilty of any wrongdoing. I am very good: “I have a good relationship with my debt, but I have to look forward to it, but I am completely satisfied with it.”

“The Vorschrift zum Blalaufen kenne ich wohl”, sagt der 64-Jährige, “seit 41 Jahren Lokführer, seit 47 Jahren bei der Bahn, nor a Jahr bis zur Pension.” One offene Tür, “aber jedes Mal war das bisher a technical Defekt“. There is an alarm that is not as sharp as the seriousness of the matter and the light as Lokführer-vernachlässigt, was due and was not as bad as my passion. Zumindest seine Personalakte spricht nicht dagegen. There is someone to blame for W., who is never. When the Richter goes to discovery, they both go.

The Lokführer is one of the many ways in which the Bahnverkehrs and Fahrlässiger Körperverletzung go to a Bewährungsstrafe of eight months. W. received an amount of 3,000 euros. (Stefan Behr)

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