
Die Lehren aus der August-Korrektur

Die Lehren aus der August-Korrektur

Early August may have made a mistake in the mistake. So lie themselves “sitting hands” of Hiobsbotschaften bspw. an overview of the world economic Low or bad News from the crisis areas in the Near East and the Ukraine verunichern. The next war is a war against Dax which is 6% within the last time turns. If you trade, this is one of the best ways to trade, and a small entrepreneur can get that backlash that is quickly completed. Die Lehren Daraus:

Jeder Rückschlag en der Börse is a gift

How you are in our time Guidelines for your message (the new, fully active equipment needed to get into the druck) can pop one of the shares out of the ground or empty the back after cooking. Damit is your Korrektur als Geschenk der Börse zu trachten. If there are manchen-überzeugten-börsenabstinenzlern-gerne-übersehen, which through the befürchtung, zum valssche Zeitpunkt give some auszusteeigen, long-fresh solid Rendite. Concrete:

The guiding principles for your assets were, on the other hand, the Dax history since 1987 after the shopping points were unseen. As one of the most unintentional investors of the years continues with the new era, and also the jewel-high points that earn their money on the market, Dax Investments gets the attention. The result is possible:

Aktienmarkte gewinnen langfristig 9% per year, Champions sogar 16% per year

Even one of the best Pechvogel hits with his Dax-Investments in Schnitt is a representation of 6% per year. If we are going to see a small part of the extreme autumn, it is the Glückspilz who still buys the Tiefstkursen. Who dared to let go only in Aufschneider-Geschichten and Börsenstammtischen gelingen. It is a surprising situation that the duration of the action occurs, while the action will take place in the long term. And those are investments in standard indices such as Dax or Dow Jones including dividends of 9% per year. But that is still better. The:

The combination of the large standardization does not imply any quality of quality, but offers a large number of knives, market capitalizations and stock markets. This became a reihenweise depot brake or a capital destroyer with schleppt. Everything through a strict quality orientation is the best of the German scaffolding, who is the champion letter Remember. You know:

There letter Vergibt since 2002 with a goal Recognize the Performance Analysis of the 100 best Aktien the Prädikat Champion. This quality control, the fourfold cleaning and ggf. Anyway, what – with a single buy and hold strategy – 16% per year is won over the years – so many dividends. A self-invented action that is very important is that the Kaufsignale on is further optimized.

Current affairs bspw. at a handsome one Third of the 100 Champions Purchase- bzw. After-run signals for. For a large part, which is a bit of a fund investment, the intelligent (,, Fund, Fund). A surcharge volume of 100,000 Euros can bring all 100 Champions over the Direct Tax Service myChampions100 were collected from a Schlag ins Depot. Daher:

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With the best recommendations

Thomas Driendl
Börsenverlag editorial team

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