
Neuausrichtung: Jetzt changes the name Pantaflix

Neuausrichtung: Jetzt changes the name Pantaflix

When the question is asked whether Pantaflix is ​​aware of the German Streaming market – a project, Dan Maag shows the previous stand of Pantaleon Entertainment AG at the stand of Matthias Schweighöfer. Nothing will become a “Billion companies”. “Pantaflix should be system-relevant”, Maag can finally say.

Log in to the Streaming service Geschichte – and the Name, on the Mutterkonzern-hörte, will become bare wind. An entsprechender Schritt wurde am Montag auf der Hauptversammlung des Unternehmens beschlossen. You will be able to hear the company from the Eintrag in the Trade Register from the Names PAL Next AG. I will encourage action for an “Erweiterung des Unternehmensgegenstands über de Bereich der Unterhaltungsindustrie und Kreativwirtschaft”, which is high.

“Der erweiterte Unternehmensgegenstand gibt our larger Spielraum, um neue, watstumsstrongke Märkte and Geschäftsfelder zu erschließen”, erklärte Stephanie Schettler-Köhler, Vorstand der Pantaflix AG. “Dadurch cannot stabilize the company and offer wider stands and by investing in strong and innovative business models, which lasts a long time, without legislative liability, secure and strong. The development of the internal market is a new business, the expansion and life is unserer zukünftigen Geschäftstätigkeiten broaderspiegelt.”

If the development plan for Schettler-Köhler is set to continue until 2023, the German target will increase ( reports). “In 2023, I took a big step forward in our development in film and series production and pioneered the company’s innovative AI workflows,” you say. “Through the application of artistic intelligence, creative ideas can be implemented faster and more efficiently.”

Recently Pantaflix announced, with the Tochtergesellschaft Storybook Studios the children’s animation series “Space Vets” which produces wool. The automation and repair activities are carried out in second place in only 60 days and with a brutal success of the re-entry big of animations-teams.

Paalzow in the Aufsichtsrat gewählt

Nicolas Paalzow
© Pantaflix
Nicolas Paalzow

Unterdessen have carried out the Pantaflix campaign in a new way – new is Nicolas Paalzow, who knows best about the Unternehmen. Since the past few years, there has been no signal from the Office as a Vorstandsvorsitzender of Pantaflix, but it was also extremely annoying, but there was no delay as they were expected to receive their monies during the next year (DWDL.deberichtete).

Ursprünglich is a Pantaflix under the Führung of Nicolas Paalzow, nor with its own Streaming platform with the large amount of konkurrenz from the USA. “That’s not how it functions, whoever thought about war would have enjoyed writing. That’s how we lived in 2018, but Häme was completely absent,” Paalzow commented for two years in and can ask a question about a new goal as “Content-House” a. Now Paalzow is black in new position, the other Unternehmensname aber wird bald verschwunden sein