
«10-Million-Switzerland world until 2040 Reality»

«10-Million-Switzerland world until 2040 Reality»

The appetite of investors in the Grundstücke, Beton and Ziegelsteine ​​​​is never again. With 12.3 billion francs, the assets under management of a specialized real estate company SPSS are one of the most important companies. talks to CEO Anastasius Tschopp about the fascination of the Bauens and the Aussichten for the real estate business.

Herr Tschopp, on the Finanzplatz, the real estate industry gild its wings like a wenig gray: stable, aber langweilig…

It is new. If the Eindruck hat is used, it is carried out on a Baustelle. The best man who can have a passion for handicraft. For example, comes as a Plattenliger in a bathroom, which was put in by Gypsum. If you want to renovate the bathroom, then it is beautiful and decorated, women with wonderful materials that last more years in other natural stones.

You speak with much Leidenschaft. Do you want to submit your application for a theme-immobility?

If you want that, then you have to use the plattenleger bin. Später has ich building material sold and found in the bewirtschaftung gewechselt. Real estate is attractive, but it is all important: it is a question of living, working, with the infrastructure… The best of the pension funds is practically essential for real estate investments. Real estate has failed a bit, tolle Welt.

«It is beautiful when a man can transform a uraltet into a top-modern one»

However, it is true that if a man can use a piece of furniture in a top-modern style, everything can be best abzureissen. If also Portfolio Manager at Swiss Prime Site (SPS) calls, there is another for the Brandschenkestrasse. The peculiarity of woolen business is that the community becomes healthier and the flächen wieder as office vermitten. Then thought with the Strategy and with the stattdessen 400 Hotelzimmer eingebaut, the best MotelOne. A building, where people enter and leave, that joy is achieved.

A proposal: Läuft das MotelOne eigentlich gut?

The chain has a global investment rate on the 80 Percent, who is the most liar of the business reports. And I think that the Brandschenkestrasse is running well… Genaueres can no longer say, that is not the operative bet.

Talk about my work life. Man knows Swiss Prime Site, Kurz SPS, as a real estate company with the Aushängeschild Prime Tower. Weniger has started the Tochtergesellschaft Swiss Prime Site Solutions, which is going through the Gründung in the year 2017. Wofür steht das zätzliche S?

The S stands for Solutions. And the Trennlinie is a fact: the SPS has its own portfolio of 13.1 million francs. It is possible to view the Prime Tower and the Jelmoli house has carried out a number of projects in the field of lungs. SPSS has called upon the Auftrag von Dritten. Manage assets for institutional and private real estate investors, investment funds, funds, mandates or club deals.

Do you want to know if the SPSS Gründung is correct?

There is an investment platform for institutional and private real estate investors: Vorsorgeeinrichtungen, Stiftungen, Family Offices, etc.

Who knows how it went?

When the anlagestiftung started, there were a few in the team with a million assets under management. Then a thoroughbred Zunahme followed on four billion francs and etwa 30 Mitarbeitende. If you want to know more about the costs: before you have started with Akara for a year, you can take some 80 other steps. A fundamental question is how you can develop in Switzerland and in Germany.

“Manage assets for institutional and private real estate investors, investment funds, funds, mandates or club deals.”

There are 140 stocks and assets under management of 12.7 billion francs. I think I am the largest independent company in the real estate sector at the asset management company in Switzerland.

What was “incomprehensible”?

That we do not have our own book, also directly lose money from customers. If there is an emission machine, then the capital of the company will no longer be able to function. You can use your own book, such as Beispiel Vermögensverwalter, Versicherer or Banken.

Who sees this product palette now?

It is no longer possible. From the Fund, with the money that the housing corporations need, anlagestiftungen can be used to carry out their own mandate. If you want to build a kommt and a real estate portfolio – to an amount of 300 million francs in housing with Schwerpunkt Innerschweiz –, then you will be able to say that you have spread everything. Or the best management portfolios of the management… We have know-how and expertise for the einkauf, the Bauen, the Entwickeln, the Verkauf, the portfolio and asset management, the aftercare, the real estate management, etc.

Do you want to experience the biggest night question?

Of course clean from the institutional investors. Gewisse products come from the regulatory agencies that now provide for the Vorsorgee facilities.

Who wants to describe the active market dynamics?

In the war that lasted both years, it was more rapid, we would all experience a large price increase. Also not a part of the investor is a sale. Once it is so far, then it is in the Bereich, in the direction of our products that are active, but the large amount of corrections does not occur anymore. If you are German, then the Switzerland is rolled up differently than other federal states. The market looks grim and the adverse consequences see again. The Appetit power is noticeable.

«The main view is that the risk profile between the A and B layers is never in one ‹Mismatch›»

Would you like to know if you can achieve higher returns?

In the Cashflow-Rendite and the zukünftigen possible Wertsteigerung in the commercial real estate. Dort kam es ausserhalb der Toplagen in the last years of a kleine Abwertung. We are an anti-social investor. Beispielsweise konnten for two-year Acquisitions-tätigen, which will eventually acquire a strong Rendite.

In my opinion, the Yield Risk Profile is not in a “mismatch” except for the A and B layers. The man was entitled to Yield for his Risk. If Switzerland is 10 or 11 million people, then it is important that you do your job, a house and a home.

Is your goal for population integration?

When that happens, the 10-Million Market will be overwritten by 2035 or 2040.

Was it helpful for the construction?

If the question states, the building park is built for 10 million people, then a man comes on an investment bedarf of total around 200 to 300 billion francs, also about 20 to 30 billion francs yes. While the Grund-müssen have the densification and the development of a company, about large projects with social housing, infrastructure, logistics etc. These themes can be accomplished by people. Switzerland is unique. If there is no talk of densification and a simple processing of the information and of such decisions, then there is a failed re-examination, all those themes are interesting.

«Eine Schweiz with 10 Millionen Menschen wirrkt een Investitionsbedarf in de Gebäudepark von 200-300 Billiarden Francs»

Where are the obstacles?

Zum eenen im regulatory Bereich. A conkretes Beispiel: In the city of Zurich we live in old buildings with 12 living quarters. As File Immobility it will be interesting. Würde man is nieuw, könnte man es auf 18 Wohnungen thereweitern, aber aber grund der Lärmschutzvorschrifts würde es proud bester Dreifachverglasung as unoccupied gelten. If we have a grim development behind us and disappear unnoticed, Switzerland’s net-zero CO2 emissions will be zero until 2050.

Were the higher sentences for your schmerzhaft?

There is a high probability that this will happen. Swings between 1 and 2 percent loss for us still no stress out. During the Finma-regular regulation stress tests are regularly performed, such as Sentences, Valuations, Learning Status Quotas, Capital Ratio and so on to our Daily Business. Because it was going so well with our products, it was a pleasure to look at the performance.

Is your own debt offensive to other Acquisitions?

Man should never say. At this moment you can use with a product palette and an organization of 140 products re-creating organic caliber.

Do you want to borrow more of your own funds or is it best to do so with capital increases?

The clear focus is the Wachstum with the best products. Customers and clients estimate among other things: More large and better trading capacity. But of course thinking will be a new product, or the thematic range.

What is the bottleneck for more organic Wachstum? On the investors page or on the object page?

It is a classic Huhn-Ei-Quage. It is a fact that in the future you will face a higher price, when you are interested more than 5-10 hours, because it all falls in the residential segment at Rendite objects. It is extremely interesting to invest in investing in companies, where the return on risk-relationship is a higher option in a “Mismatch” style. If Rendite has left the Investment Fund Commercial (IFC) company, he says it is German.

“For investors, it’s worth finding real estate.”

All in all, it is true that capital on the market costs more money than the fundamental data of Switzerland for the real estate sector. If there is ever an answer to the question, a property will be found. You can take a look at the market with our Teams on the Acquisitionsseite. There are between 20 and 30 offers of «Off-Market-Deals», which have a long life. Before organic organic substances are formed, this can end up in the Capital or on the Object site at some point. There is no question of a grateful product range with diversification.

The professional path of Anastasius Tschopp in the real estate industry began with a Lehre as a plattenler and the development of the trade in the building materials trade. Then Tschopp was appointed to the Development Department of the Zurich Airport, previously as Head of Property Marketing Real Estate Asset Management at Credit Suisse. Before his years at Swiss Prime Site, he was Head of Portfolio Management war. 2018 is the new Leitung of the new Swiss Prime Site Solutions and from 2021 is the Geschäftsleitung of Swiss Prime Site. New in the approval board of April 2024 is erworbenen Gesellschaft Fundamenta Group Deutschland AG.