
POL-RE: Haltern am See: Ermittlungen weg Brandstiftung – 5000 Euro ausgelobt

POL-RE: Haltern am See: Ermittlungen weg Brandstiftung – 5000 Euro ausgelobt

Polizeipräsidium Recklinghausen

Recklinghausen (ots)

In the night on June 16, the anniversary of the year came in a leather hotel and restaurant building in the Dorstener Straße of a Brand. The Fire Defense Force defeated the Fire. Authorized by the Fachkommissariat für Brandermittlungen gehen von Brandstiftung aus. The damage is estimated at an amount of 100,000 euros. The bisherigen Ermittlungen have neither received any concrete statements that have been suspected.

When it comes to Hinweise, it is so that the damage re-entry and the handling of the Täters-führt leads the insurance of a bet at a height of 5000 euros on a road to a Verfügung-gestellt. If you spend more time on troubleshooting, you can solve the problem.

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