
Who is often busy with my laundry? Forscher nennen überraschende Regel

Who is often busy with my laundry? Forscher nennen überraschende Regel

Our own bets utilize most of our German Sicherheit longer if all goes well. Enjoy your night with your night. In Laeken, Kissen and Co. the tenses of Menge Dreck, Hautschuppen and Körperflüssigkeiten are the same.

Before the temperature rises, you may feel warm. The ant herb in the fragment is often the most likely, it is heavy.

Who wants to place a bet often?

A GfK copy of the online providers that Galaxus acquires is four of the German Bundesbürgern who make an irregular number of decisions, their bets and washes.

Etwa 33 Prozent tun die etwa einmal im Monat. Ganze is a product of the fragments where it can last twice as long before you play frisques with your hand. If a product does not last longer.

On the positive page of the 41 Prozent gegenüber, die alle two Wochen zu nicht gegen Bezügen und Laken grifen. Etwa 18 Prozent tun die wöchentlich. It was more like a product to see the new bet.

Insgesamt befragde man 1,500 Personen in Alter Zwitsen 16 und 74 Jahren. The Stichprobe would be designed as a representative of the Bevölkerung in Deutschland.

Mediziner reviews: All products you can use are your bettwäsche waschen

Was this the official Empfehlung? A golden rule of art is the textile texture that is performed all weeks of the week. It is a matter of the Science Empire no longer existing. Mediziner rates, one of the ways you can place and wash the bets.

The dermatologist and germ expert Dr. Annie Gonzalez from the Beispiel is an absolute shame, Laken, Bettdecken- and Kissenbezüge are all of the Tage abzuziehen and in the paint washing machine, is one of the best things Dreck can do for you.

Dr. Philip Tierno, Microbiologist at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Says He Has No More Schritt and Power Diese Routine davon abhangig, ob een Matratzenbezug is available.

It is a small barrier between the lakes and the matratze, it is a simple routine seine fishery that is unerlässlich. In the Solchen Fälle the Matratze gets going through the unhindered Durchsickern vermehrt Flüssigkeiten, Fette and Schuppen and. A Abdeckung prevents the day and there is a now two-week cleaning and cleaning of the bettwäsche.

The German Textielreinigungs-Verband eV collaborates with the best products for cleaning and cleaning floors, but they are best used for a year. At Laeken and Bezügen it is of course different in German. After all, here are the Empfehlungen.

Was sich neben Fette, Schweiß und Milben everything in Bett ansammelt

Dass du Bezüge, Laeken und Co. Clean regularly solltest, it will be clear quickly, if you were fresh before August, everything would be in good working order at the same time.

Innerhalb eines Jahres verliert der Mensch rund 180 liters of water, which sits in the water and throws the water on the water tank .

Dazu bowls Fette and Hautschuppen von dennen sich wiederum Milb further reforms are possible. These houses are now not near the Schlafgemach, but in the areas behind them, nor ganz eigenen Dreck. Like so 10,000 der Spintiere it is possible to make a verunreinigten Bett-tummeln.

Bettdecken and Kissen are perfect for Pils and Bakterien

Neben Hausstaubmilben can find themselves in the Bett aber auch other Parasites. So the temperature and heat are perfect for the climate Bakery and Pilze .

A study into the results of the University Hospital of South Manchester heraus, that all Federkissen and synthetic Kissen for a fast Ausbreitung sorgen. After 1.5 years it takes a few hours and after 20 years and 17 pillars in the bet.

Who often bettwäsche wechseln? We would disagree

Because prosperity is everything in autumn Grandchildren, the sick and elderly people gefährlich, wie der deutsche Textilreinigungs-Verband eV erklärt.

A home allergy can be next, which is accompanied by nothing and high noticeable power. Aber immungeschwächte Personen und Menschen mit Atemwegserkrankungen wie Asthma können bei long-term contact with health problems.

Employees have a regular cleaning method for others special Personengruppen weil see more Rückstände hinterlassen like others. Dazu heard People:

  • with major problems with Ausschlag or Akne
  • with super-mäßigem Speichelfluss beim Schlafen
  • de Tiere with ins Bett Nehmen
  • die vor dem Schlafen nicht duschen
  • those nasty schlafen
  • die in Bett essence
  • die schwitzen
  • Asthma or allergic reactions may occur
  • that fell rauchen

Drei Fehler drhen beim Waschen der Bettwäsche

Once you clean the detergent, this is a common thing that can take eight times. Zum Play on the next Fehler, which could be done under the skies.

  1. Wash the laundry : It is a Trugschluss, the bet with the spirit 60 Degrees was necessary, everyone Keime abzutöten. Modern washing machines operate at low temperatures.
  2. That false Waschmittel : Nicht jede Bettwäsche braucht dasselbe Waschmittel. With white textile products it is a matter of washing, a gray matter of avoiding. Whether it is for fabrics that fade during the day, we will use a color washer that has the best Wahl value.
  3. Use Keinen Weichspüler : Guarantee for the satisfaction of your bettwäsche is wichig, auf Weichspüler zu verzichten. Die verklebt-nämlich empfindliche Fasern, aber auch bei Baumwolle is not even an empfehlen.

Bettwäsche richtig waschen: Worauf Sie eighten sollten

Before it is its own laundry, the textile fabric can be prepared in the front field so that it is prepared. Make sure it’s good, aber cleaner Ergebnisse.

Hersteller empfehlen zum Beispiel, de Bettwäsche beim Waschen immer on the left zu drhen. Go to the Innenseite nach außen. Auch Verschlüsse und de Bezügen solltest du demnach versschließen. Darüber is gilded, Bettwäsche and Laken now with fresh colors wash like this.

All these actions can be carried out in the fabric or one of the raised motifs can be hindered and the Leuchtkraft der Farben be hindered.

A thorough wash before cleansing, rich Temperature of up to 60 degrees . These companies are all for Allergy*innen, but it is the best way to use Hausstaubmilben. It will take longer than 30 minutes to reach 60 degrees.

Optimal temperatures are nach muzungsgrad

  • Washing detergent at 30 degrees : Aus hygienisch Aspecten nicht zu empfehlen. Baking and cooking cannot be so interchangeable. It is the know-it-all from the microwave or the print, since 30 degrees it is often notorious, a color desire to avoid.
  • Washing detergent at 40 degrees : The variation is slightly to normal, optimal and extended from 40 degrees.
  • Washing detergent at 60 degrees : Um Keimen and Bakterien have no great chance of welding, since 60 Grad gut. Schon beim Kauf solltest du aber am besten darauf eighten, that the temperaturenicht zu Schäden führen.
  • Washing detergent at 90 degrees If the textiles are not manufactured or come out of the closet, this can be a problem above 90 degrees. It is no longer possible to use a hygienic sauce after 60 degrees.

All the raw textiles have yielded a different quality and a different offering. So it is worth following the following basic rules for the washing routine, the Baumwolle and Co. to meet.

Temperature and detergent are according to Textilart

  • Baumwolle : 60 degrees Celsius and color washing machine; Weiße Baumwollbettwäsche can be washed at 95 degrees Celsius
  • Microphaser : 60 degrees Celsius and special washing materials for microfibers or fine washing materials
  • Leinen : 40 degrees Celsius with Feinwaschmittel; In the cleaning program or with the new Umdrehungszahl
  • Satin : 40 degrees Celsius with Feinoder Vollwaschmittel
  • Seid : maximum 30 degrees Celsius with Feinwaschmittel or Seidenwaschmittel

Tipp : Achte dem Waschgang den nor immer auf de Pflegehinweise von Laken und Co. Für keimfreies Waschen kannst du übrigens nor entsprechendes Desinfektionswaschmittel hinzugeben.

By Dana Neumann

Quellen: Textilreinigungs-Verband eV, Stern, The Healthy, ResearchGate/University Hospital of South Manchester