
Solingen: Nothing is a Nazi, the problem of Zuwanderung analysis

Solingen: Nothing is a Nazi, the problem of Zuwanderung analysis

To Solingen
Nothing is a Nazi, the problem of the Zuwanderung initiative

Politische Trauer, unter Anderem mit Kanzler Olaf Scholz (Mitte) am Tatort in Solingen

Politische Trauer, unter Anderem mit Kanzler Olaf Scholz (Mitte) am Tatort in Solingen

© Tim Oelbermann / Imago Images

It is a very good part of the Ausländer that is baked with us. After the Bluttat von Solingen it said that the migration and integration went a big step further. This Defizite must man legs dare.

If you want to have an alcoholic meal in a Sylter Club “Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus” grölten, hoben wir diese “Champagner-Nazis” on the stern-Title. If one of the dams is overlooked, because everyone with the previous generation the Skandals gives the other, it is one of the following: the rolled criticism during the Ausländer, which is not on the land of the title.

If the furchtbaren Anschlag von Solingen with three Toten thematisieren, and the (rising) Messergewalt in Deutschland, ist Kritik wieder zu erwarten, now from other directions: Wer so prominent über schwerstkriminelle Ausländer spreche, verschweige der nicht de Hass, der Ausländern in Deutschland gerade entgegenschlage, have I been praised by the AfD?

There are urgent cases in which both themes are expressed, the gefahren of right-wing radicals, which are gefahren by the critical migrants (or the advocacy at the Abschiebungen). Because it was a journalist, the writing was not so easy. And that is no more than Bürgerinnen and Bürger. The offensive Gesellschaft can now no longer have any orientation, no Gesetze, no Regie. If you want to give your opinion, you can convince yourself – and one of your lose, but you will not be offended by your argumentation, because you have fallen.

Germany 2024: Problems with Nazis – and with foreigners, who never wanted to integrate

Yes, there is a problem with rights and Nazis in Germany. The problem is that when the right of asylum is discussed, it is a question of an anchored sale. If you think that the German market has no reason to travel, it is best to make this clear. If it is urgent, we will try again. And yet: Nothing is a Nazi, the problem of the Zuwanderung-anspricht.

Scholz looks at Solingen after the Messerattacke and remembers the sacrifice

“Das war Terrorismus, Terrorismus gegen us alle”

01:45 minutes

And it is clear that there is a real problem abroad, which does not want to integrate, but that will probably happen. What happened in Solingen, is simply greyish. It is not that people in Germany have experienced a folk festival. When Angela Merkel said “We can do it”, the active Krisen were still far away. Wer sich als Deutscher nun Worrgen macht een seinen Job, my apartment, our children, look critically at people, the new come. It is no longer beautiful, but human. And yet, as far as wool proportions are concerned, it is so that the facts are at their true value: 0.6 percent of foreigners in Germany would have a great experience for a year as Tatverdächtige registration, 99.4 percent not. A man can reach the end of the journey, it is a good thing.

Whoever gives the government security, loses the lands

If you now know how the Regie for the inner Security has become, who is the Boulevardmedien then raining? Klüger, who had a part of his fragments, was for the Security in the country – the inner Security, but the Security, a violation of the Country. If there was a political question, then our voice would have received a mandate: it is a problem to solve problems. Not in your career or party. Once it is like that, then die, if politics does not go further. Leader understands that this Ampel-Regierung is not.

If the Vice Chancellor (Habeck) and the Minister of Finance (Lindner) enjoy a duel, we will not stop anymore, if you throw away the Coalitionsstreit after a while, if a Bundeskanzler makes an abuse of power for a power game – then this Bundesregierung is kept in the back of its mind cherheit unseres Landes.