
Hessen: Prozess has started a mutmaßliche Dealer-Bande in Gießen

Hessen: Prozess has started a mutmaßliche Dealer-Bande in Gießen

Prozess has started a multi-national dealer band in Gießen

Marijuana, hashish, cocaine and amphetamine – your permanent dealer must be responsible before the Landgericht Gießen. It is a matter of drying out when a tonne is traded.

Gießen (dpa/lhe) – Sie sollen in großem Stil mit Drogen dealt and so illegal Millionenbeträge therelangt haben – since Montag müssen sich deshalb funf Manner aus dem Wetteraukreis and dem Hochtaunuskreis for them Landgericht Gießen responsible.

The price of the drug should be 1.2 tons in total – there is hash and marijuana, cocaine and amphetamine. The public prosecutor is affected by it, the men are most involved in the connections. The value of the drug is said to be worth 9.3 million euros. It is one of the most important matters that does not matter in that larger scale, such as state prosecutor Fabian Hohl.

The Drogen are the men who collect the attachment of different suppliers and in cities such as Frankfurt, Kassel, Darmstadt and Stuttgart have been further divided. It may be that an organization has a clear structure to go its way.

The head of the Gruppe has set up the state banker to plant and organize the flourishing trade with the Betäubungsmitteln. The 40-year-old from Rosbach in the wetland journey is currently in the investigation shaft. At the seine fisherman the police have placed a dry cow of 493,000 Euro cash with him.

For the quality and weight of the packaging of the dryer for further sale is another way of life that has made these things a little lower.

There are further accusations from the Staatsanwaltschaft for, Fahrzeuge für Kurierfahrten instandwaarden and Buch geführt zu ben über de Geschäfte. They both frightened as Kurierfahrer and the Drogen brought containers into a Lagerhalle in Florstadt (Wetteraukreis), loaded containers into a Kleintransporter or had an Abnehmer übergeben haben.

The problem is that the men’s paths of commerce take part of the paths with their trading activities in no time. Der Tatzeitraum soll sich von März 2021 bis July 2023 erstreckt haben. Aufgeflogen were guilty to the Staatsanwaltschaft by the Dechiffrierung verschlüsselter Mobiltelefone. Bisher does not notice the man, says Staatsanwalt Hohl.

After the sale of the items, the forward adjuster is displayed on a range of steps recommended by the sales activities. Darin has the Verteidigung des mutagenicen Kopfes der Gruppe Interesse and a single Verfahrensabkürzung bekundet. If you see the data of the Verteidigers, you can use it if you use a band with the data from the crypts. Make sure you get another digestible printout.

State banks take into account the current Prozesstag, and one of the many other statistics, which the Anklagebehörde of the time of a verwertbarkeit of the dates has produced. The jurisdiction is “in Fluss”, as Hohl. On 6. September the process will be fortgesetzt.