
Nach Trennung von Tom Kaulitz: Diesen Promi-Mann dating Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum has received a big smile in the “Tokyo Hotel” guitarist Tom Kaulitz. 2019 treated the German Superstars for the Traualtar and defy their critical core, which is an alternative of 16 years. When the Trennung no longer found Rede, Heidi Klum was not planning to show Mann a next time.

I have fallen for a Tom Kaulitz trennung: Heidi Klum has acquired a new Promi-Mann

In this Instagram story, the German model is quizzed by new fans. A question from Heidi Klum knew: “If you make it with Tom, wen würdest du daten?” Daraufhin grins, the quadruple mumbles in the room and says softly and says: “Bill.” Damit is the natural Bill Kaulitz, the Zwillingsbrother of Klum’s Ehemann.

That Heidi Klum and his Schwager Bill Kaulitz mix each other is no secret. When that happened, the Supermodel on the Fan-Frage with that Antwort-reaction. In other fragments you would be deutlich, a trennung at Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz who are absolutely no Option-darstellt.

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Tom Kaulitz and his Zwillingsbruder Bill Kaulitz love the Schlagerwelt – and Giovanni Zarrella?

Insult against Zarrella and Kollegen: Tom and Bill Kaulitz knöpfen sich …


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“Kann es totally verstehen”: This is what Heidi Klum thinks about Tom Kaulitz’s reluctant fans

An Instagram Nutzer would know Heidi Klum, while fans think Ehemann Tom Kaulitz added him. Darauf tells the Blondine: “I can totally understand it. It’s easy!” The Eifersucht also shows no reason among the Eheleuten – from a baldigen Trennung aber definitiv auch nicht.