
Democrats are looking forward to seeing more of their future – Nachrichten AG

Democrats are looking forward to seeing more of their future – Nachrichten AG

Pete Aguilar, who was the Democratic Party representative of the Democratic Party, war one of the Abgeordneten, the Umgang of Kamala Harris with Grenzquesten at the DNC verdeidigten. Once the war has started, the struggle between the parties, the power and the power of the Democrats in the Mitwoch with their advance, one of the biggest political issues in Schwächen. Redner on the Parteitag of the Democratic Party, the criticism of the Republikaner and the Einwanderungspolitik in a positive Light on the back, lures the Bemühungen der Regierung Biden and nannten Kamala Harris in his underlying ‘heart with Nagel’.

Criticism of Kamala Harris and Verteidigung by Bilanz

Donald Trump and his Republican words have strengthened the Border with a Schwerpunkt criticism and Mrs. Harris and inspired as a “geschiterte Grenzzarin”. If the Biden administration accepts a migrant and border-crossing festivities, the illegal economy has now disappeared into history for a month. Democrats who fought with the youngest government leaders at the end of the illegal journey, finally one of the President Joe Biden in June an unseen conviction, which by the US travel officials ermöglicht, Migrants or Bearing their asylum claims ab zijschieben.

One of CBS’s American partners, the BBC’s American partner, took the broadcast very seriously, because 48% of the multiple Wähler voters would become the American partner if Ms. Harris won. A large majority – 72% – nevertheless assumed that they would be removed from Trump. The issue war in the middle of the DNC of larger corporations, while Redner defended Ms. Harris’s bill and criticized the former presidents, is part of the cross-border cooperation that has hampered the years in the Congressional security war.

Harte Worte and political differences

New York Congressman Tom Suozzi, who has opted for strict cross-border border and asylum procedures, said: “If you make it clear to us, the border is broken.” In the meantime, a large form used by the Republicans has been reinstated to endorse Mr. Biden’s migration policy, Mr. Suozzi and other Democrats have expressed their opinion that the party of a passionate fraternity has sent out an issue, an issue that is a larger political swear word.

Mr. Suozzi said that Mrs. Harris “die Herausforderung, über Parteigrens hinweg zu arbeiten, de Grenze zu sichern und Menschen wie Menschen zun, freudig annimt.” The Trump Campaign that Mrs. Harris has found in the role of the Einwanderungspolitik der Regierung ins Visier use and use as separate “Grenzzarin” bezeichnet. If the president is one of Ms. Harris’ first diplomats, the war will continue migration flows in Central America and the U.S.-Mexico Border Region.

Lob von innerparteilichen Unterstützern

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, the Democratic leader, in February of this year, told Ms. Harris that she was “in the heart of the matter” of illegal immigration and an innocent Republican, if she had “opened” the border for uncontrolled migration. “Kamala Harris knows that we can be a nation of wanderers and wandering laws,” he said. “Therefore, the Speaker wants to bring back the Border Law and get it over with.”

Senator Trump’s power comes to the fore for the United States’ walking problem. “Trump has gotten the idea that it’s okay, if the Border Repair, the quality of the work will work, a split and the flames of fear about people from different countries to shed,” Mr. Murphy said. Mr. Murphy’s comments come from Californian Deputies Pete Aguilar, the proponents of the Democratic caucus in the House of Representatives, who rejoined. According to Mr. Aguilar, the choice must not be made “between a secure border and the construction of an America for everyone.” “A Harris president could say that both of those things have happened,” he said.

Focus on taggliche Sorgen der Wähler

If the DNC Boden has given a delegation for the trip for many Wähler, it is more with the question of whether a second Wahlthema is so – the best quality, that is one of the main organizations. “Einwanderung is sicherlich ein wichtiges Theme,” said Julie Johnson, a delegation from Texas, secretary of state and candidate for the House of Representatives in Washington. “If the other people have taken a different trip, the fact is that they have a house or have found a job.”

Others were more cautious. While Democratic Illinois Rep. Jonathan Jackson — the leader of civil rights activists Jesse Jackson — said of the BBC that while he was not very helpful and his courtesy was lacking, Ms. Harris became more of a problem that was so easily solved when she won. “We agree with the migration problems from other countries,” said Mr. Jackson, arguing that the financial community of the major last migration flows would disappear. “People living in your home no longer have money for clothes, water or cash. If the bed no longer works, there is no other way.”

Migration en öffentliche Wahrnehmung

If politics at the DNC starts talking about a trip, migrants – perhaps from Venezuela – are still in trouble. On the street of Chicago – a blue city, which in the last two years of the migration expansion – many people who are with the sympathetic migrants, if there is any concern, this is a burden on local sources of funding. “If (the government) is prepared, you have an unjustified prepared, you have prepared clothing,” said Naaman Martin, another Chicago resident, of the plant, for Harris’s support. “But for the unthinkable they have, they can do nothing.”

“It is who it is,” he said. “It’s my little theme.” Alexandra Willis, a 29-year-old cargo owner and Harris-Unterstützerin, said she had “empathy” for migrants and had found a legal way into the country. “You’ve got to talk about another country here,” he said. “It’s a talented business. If you want to institute something, legally nothing can happen.”

A journey through the frustration caused by the crisis has led to your journey in the United States becoming a political affair. While the DNC sees many more Dutzends at the time, most Venezuelan migrants in another world can be occupied with offering a care, offering voluntary snacks, while politics is in its most of the time discussing, and lately schicks al bestimmen könnten.

While the migrants, who have not served their time, are now about the informed party, they are familiar with the tour, the border and the history of ‘migrant crime’, which plays a recurrent role in the political debate in the US. Yelitza, a Venezuelan mother of four children, who lost her life in the country, after another son of hers was taken away by the group and a protest march, said that she had the feeling that migrants were unfairly demonized by politicians, who had the grounds, why so much. In the states, an extreme journey in the US to another country has never been solidified.

“The trip was extremely stressful. Der Dschungel. Kriminelle in Mexico. Kartell-Mitglieder wollten meine Nichte vergewaltigen. I have been able to travel with four small children,” she said. “If this is not the case, the wires may be better or the will. That must be the case,” he said. “My country is ending in a catastrophic disaster. We are here now, so we can share our children with you.”