
Rebellion at Dakkota: Chicagoer Autozulieferer lehnen celebrates Ausverkauf der UAW ab

Rebellion at Dakkota: Chicagoer Autozulieferer lehnen celebrates Ausverkauf der UAW ab

Streikende Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter von Dakkota Integrated Systems in Chicago, August 2024

I have had the Beschäftigten des Autozuliefers Dakkota Integrated Systems in Chicago the four years of the United Auto Workers-Bürokratie, a Ausverkaufslaten over the years, and broader setzten sich damit the Drohungen der Gewerkschaftsfunktionäre with a Aussperrung and dem Verlust ihrer Arbeitsplätze.

In a new investigation into the Vertrag, the UAW will speak out about a written Vertrags in the Freitag, where the Vertrag with 54 Perzent will be abgelehnt. The motorist who uses four of the UAW, has become a new enterprise, is a novelty in the young generation.

The people of Dakkota marched on a sunny day for an exciting sit-down, festive entschlossen, ihren Standpunkt zu verten. Worker skandierten: “Zur Hölle nein! We can make a ‘Nein’!’ and undertake a new attempt by the Aktionskomitees of Dakkota Workers to generate a ‘Nein’-Stimme and put pressure on the UAW and the Konzerne zurückweist.

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If the 450 Dakkota civilization in Chicago’s south has changed, it will soon be a month since their hunger is quenched, causing the UAW mite workers and auto workers to become active.

The descriptions of Ford, Stellantis, General Motors and others have Lear and Flex-N-Gate as a Verblichtung, in the Kolleginnen and Kollegen in Dakkota of Help to come. The gilded fittings on the designs of Ford works in Chicago, the Dakkota of time with the conviction of the Streikbruch production.

The workers fight against greedy conditions, the UAW joins forces with management. If you are a partner and a UAW member, the weapons of the UAW are expanded, which with a loan of only $16.80 for a loan and a Spitzenlohn of $22 will come to $18 and $26.50 in 2027.

Reimbursement for the UAW-Bürokratie van de Beschäftigten is swinging, while those who have very close delay benefits, receive an altbekanntes Drehbuch zurück, which is also with Volvo Trucks, John Deere, Dana, Clarios and Lear Anwendung fand. Once you look at the long term of the business establishments of Ausverkauf and Verrat berücksichtigt, the full Verachtung der UAW for demokratische Rechte der Beschäftigten in Dakkota is außergewöhnlich.