
Work loser reibt sich die Hände – “Kostenloser Urlaub vom Bürgergeld”

Work loser reibt sich die Hände – “Kostenloser Urlaub vom Bürgergeld”

“Hartz Rot Gold” protagonist Stephan was able to leave his life in Bremerhaven in the end. The long-term loss will not last longer and the factory will no longer be seen in Bremen. Gemeinsam mit seinem Hund Socke Kracht sich der Bürgergeld-Empfänger auf in a new absence.

If he has bought a new Heimat, he has revisited a job or a home, and Stephan is bewildered by the debts. There may be an end to the citizen money and the Co. For the 42-year-olds a true dream for a while on the Weserstrand.

Citizen money-Empfänger power itself

In the Folge „Alte Wunden, neue Perspektive“, die am Dienstagabend (20. August) at RTL Zwei läuft, Stephan delivers his 53 Quadratmeter large Living in Bremerhaven. Gemeinsam mit seinem Vierbeiner Socke swingt is ich aufs Rad and dust loose. Signal Soul: those first 25 kilometers towards Bremen behind us.

+++ „Bürgergeld“-Empfänger dare not more work – „That is not schlimm“ +++

After Stephan spent the night, he was sleeping on the beach. It is a perfect solution to prepare your lager and start. Wild camping is forbidden in Germany, but chances are that the burgergeld enterprise is egal zu sein. There can be no more frying.

“Other items for 5,000 Euro”

Barfuß steht Stephan in Sand and shoot in the Ferne. The separation in the obdachlosigkeit zu gehen, bereut der Bürgergeld-Empfänger bislang at all. “I’m really so happy. Kostenloser Urlaub vom Bürgergeld, was? The others pay 5,000 euros,” says Stephan with a grin. It’s a pity that anyone who will spend the first night in their spare time like that.

+++ Citizen’s Allowance: Labor Loser Möchte Geld vom Staat – es geschieht nur unter einer Bedingung +++

Everything you need to know about your citizen’s money

RTL Zwei will broadcast “Hartz Rot Gold” on the following Tuesday from 8:15 p.m. in the program or in Vorfeld in the Media Library at RTL+.