
But S-Bahnhof has no restaurant, no Klo and many Stillstand

But S-Bahnhof has no restaurant, no Klo and many Stillstand

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But S-Bahnhof has no restaurant, no Klo and many Stillstand
Learn about the loading area (left in the picture) at the Wolfratshauser S-Bahnhof. Dort war über fell a year into McDonald’s secret. © Sabine Hermsdorf-hiss

Pendler works on the Dreck and on the entire site of the Wolfratshauser Bahnhofs. The situation in the Bahngleis is a matter of indefinite time.

Wolfratshausen – Gastronomy gibt’s dort schon lange nicht mehr. The toilets are so long geschlossen, and much more Pendler is a verdreckte Aufenthaltsbereiche in Wolfratshausen. The S-Bahnhof is nothing more than a Schmuckstück.

See McDonalds-Abgang keine Neuerung

The Deutsche Bahn has its own land on a new site for the loading areas in the Bahnhofsgebäude. Go to the McDonalds Schnellrestaurants in November and look at the big Fläche leather. An ein einladendes Restaurant is not in the leather, schmucklosen Räumen, the man through the large glass fronts view. “Leider since we are always in such a condition after a new owner for the country,” said a Bahn-Mitarbeiter on Nachfrage unserer Zeitung. As one of the Zwischenlösung de Unternehmen wenig. „We aim to enjoy a long meal.“ As an ideal way to see the railway, there is a „Food-Konzept“, also a tasty Angebot. “We are always open to other ideas and ideas.” These ideas are useful for those ideas.

There are only the train station’s travel center and video travel center. “These are removed from the parking area and are increasingly used for our passenger network”, the train operator informed. The toilets in the toilet – it is a fact that the toilets in the station area have ended – have been closed since February. “For that the tenants of the express restaurant have been able to get away.” When a new tenant saw the station building, he could no longer pay, the toilets would be used. “That is the prospect.”

Sauberkeit is critical: “Mieter nicht ziständig”

Viele Bahn passengers enjoy a longer transfer on the Sauberkeit at the S-Bahnhof. There is nothing with the gastro-fläche near the sprecher. „Der Mieter is not for the Sauberkeit am Bahnhof ziständig.“ The Gastronom or the Ladenbetreiber are now responsible, signal „unmittelbaren Mietbereich vor Ort“ zu stopen. “If your guests notice changes, they can contact you at any time and contact the sister 3S-Zentrale.” You can contact us by telephone on 0 89/13 08 10 55.