
Ideen sind gefragt – Mödling ruft zum Brainstorming zum Haus Brühler Straße 21 auf

Ideen sind gefragt – Mödling ruft zum Brainstorming zum Haus Brühler Straße 21 auf

Situated directly next to the Kursalon and the Aquadukt, image of the Object Brühler Straße 21 is an attractive ensemble, the area for the Fußgängerzone in the city splendor. Die Mieter, the child who is habited, is the ‘Friend of the Clauses’ who has the Vereinslokale geräumt.

Now Mayor Michael Danzinger, ÖVP, and Vice-Mayor Silvia Drechsler, SPÖ, an initiative in his life, a bourgeois woman and citizen’s stay, are considering the possible uses: “Ideas are asked. Was it possible to enter that area? Is the other house neither a useful and renovation bar, nor a sollte man who has a new goal to think about and enjoy?”

The house, which is surrounded by “Mödling Living GmbH”, has a romantic garden with veranda. The Grundstücksfläche covers 1,215 m², and two Drittel in the “Bauland Kerngebiet”, a Drittel “Grünland Park” gewidmet.

Christian Matzner (Museum Mödling) bestätigt dem Gebäude een abwechslungsreiche Geschichte: ‘Es war ein jüdisches Fabriksgebäude, Franz Rinner describes in seinem Buch, Ausgelöscht’, wie sich 1848, antisemitische Grautone verstärkt haben’. Machines from Rosenberg’schen Fabrik, a Drahtgitterfabrik wurden zerstört. The house is an industrial industry and serves as an officer’s house for the military academy, the best HTL.”

Verein der Klausen sammmelt Unterschrifts

The association “Friends of the Klausen” war the House and the Use schon immer ein Anliegen. The malicious obfrau of Berit Weindorfer has written an initiative form and an unwritten text, which has made a great echo: “The house has been renovated and has become for the general useless power. It is a western part of the Klausen and in a relaxed atmosphere in the Kultursalon and the historical Weisleinmühle. Here you will find apartments for young families, a cultural center, a Veranstaltungssaal with coffee house or gathering space for families or associations.”

The Unterschriftensammlung des „Klausen-Vereins“ is not in the gang. All other ideas can be sent by e-mail and the city is sent:

[email protected]