
Russian bomber flies to Luftwaffe Richtung, Ukraine

Russian bomber flies to Luftwaffe Richtung, Ukraine

Russian Bombers and Drohnen started targeting Ukraine after the Ukrainian Angaben at night. Who started the Ukrainian Luftwaffe during the night service via Telegram Central, sending the Bomber from Type Tu-95ms from Luftwaffenstützpunkt Engels in south-west Russia. Auch Angriffsdrohnen seien in Direction Ukraine belowwegs. Derweil goes to the Ukrainian Angaben to make more Tote with Russian Angriffen.

In the second part of Ukraine the air raid siren has disappeared. In the city of Krywyj Rih in the center of Ukraine, which is being bombed by two people on Tuesday night, a different Beamer reported on Telegram.

In the meantime, two people who are “in the light of their lives” are missing, according to Regional Governor Serhij Lysak in the Online Service Telegram. Also in Saporischschja im Südosten kamen offizieellen Angaben zufolge zwei Menschen ums Leben.

Ukraine-Krieg: Less than four tote bei Angriffen am Vortag

The Montag was one of the Russian air forces in Ukraine in the passing of the spirit of four people and the energy infrastructure would be greatly damaged. Russia flies fast and gets angry at the Nachbarland. Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has continued the issue longer and the new Luftabwehr system will be so sweet.