
HSV im Herzen: Unioner Benes against Pauli in Derby-Stimmung

HSV im Herzen: Unioner Benes against Pauli in Derby-Stimmung

Union Berlin’s Neuzugang Laszlo Benes schaltet zum first Heimspiel den Derby-Modus ein. “Der HSV bleibt in meinem Herzen. There is a war for my own Ehre, for one of the biggest and best Vereine in Europe zu spielen,” said the Neuzugang vom Zweitligisten Hamburger SV for the Spiel am Freitag against Aufsteiger FC St. Pauli (8:30 PM/DAZN). “For me it is a bisschen a different game. That never leads to a great rivalry.”

Insgesamt four times with the 26 Jahre alte slovakian Nationalspieler in signal Hamburger Zeit auf de Lokalrivals. Two Siege stehen een Niederlage as well as a Remis gegenüber – bisher nor ohne hit des Mittelfeldspielers. If you have more friends, you will enjoy your home in St. Pauli and come to the professional entrepreneur Gegner. “I’m glad that I was there last night,” said Benes, who was hit at Mainz 5 am Samstag.

A self-war of Benes has achieved his premiership when the position is important, because it is a big war. While HSV plays the Mittelfeldakteur in the attacking Mittelfeld, the defender is now in Notfällen. “I can help in the defensive sector,” said Benes: “That is the basis and important for the manschaft.”