
Schools: Record: Neues Schuljahr startedet mit 272,970 Schülern

Schools: Record: Neues Schuljahr startedet mit 272,970 Schülern

The new School years starts in Hamburg with a question: Insgesamt became 272,970 Schülerinnen und Schüler zu Beginn des Schuljahres 2024/25 Hamburgs Schulen besuchen – so velde wie niet, teilte die Schulbehörde mit. The largest debt burden of 6,230 sister students and students falls on government debt.

“When the number of female and male students comes into action again, it is the first time that the increase in the amount of money is examined”, that is. So the predictions were in a year with 4.6 percent higher than the currently reported plus of 2.5 percent.

“I think that the maturity of the Schülerinnen- and Schülerzahlen has reached a higher level in the following years,” said Schulsenator in Ksenija Bekeris (SPD). “Due to the fact that the smaller classes and the high quality of the Hamburger Schulen are being further overtaken. We will no longer be in debt and investigate the debtors’ debts.”

Eight new national debts start

I am the new Schuljahr 2024/25, which starts on Thursday, comes in Hamburg In total 476 debts have been incurred. There are eight state general debts that have been created that are new and startable. “So many debts have started in Hamburg, but they have not even started.” As the new debts of Hamburg are state debts are continued with a healthy debt and will be expanded. In total 100 construction sets have invested an amount of 350 to 400 million euros.

At the Lehrkräften there are 303 Couples more than in the past, with a total of 15,911 Couples. Von diesen Stellen fell at the Grundschulen 5,341 Stellen (+76), at the Sonderschulen 838 Stellen (+37), the Stadtteilschulen 5,696 Stellen (+119) and at the Gymnasien 4,036 Stellen (+71).

Darüber hinaus sthen den Schulen 2,386 pedagogical therapeutic Couples for Verfügung – 90 Couples more as im lost Schuljahr. There is an amount of 18,297 pädagogische Stellen, which is 393 more als noch zum letzten Schuljahr.

Additional courses in Class 10 of the Gymnastics were abolished

The sister additional courses in Class 10 of the Gymnastics were abolished in the new Schuljahr. Sieben Pilotschulen führen mit Beginn des Schuljahres 2024/25 Informatik als Pflichtfach in der Sekundarstufe I ein. Since the school year 2025/26, the information technology will be completed and all city schools and gymnasiums will be completed.

The meaning of the Ganztags is one of the debts that we have mentioned: So I was quickly lost and Schuljahr 90 Prozent aller Grundschulkinder für die Kernzeit from 8.00 to 16.00 Uhr reported.

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