
ROUNDUP: Deutsche Wirtschaft schrumpft – Verbraucherlaune getrübt Von dpa-AFX

ROUNDUP: Deutsche Wirtschaft schrumpft – Verbraucherlaune getrübt Von dpa-AFX

WIESBADEN (dpa-AFX) – Gesunkene Investitionen, Krise am Bau und sparsame Verbraucher: Nach einem leechten schrumpfen der deutschen Wirtschaft im Frühjahr droht Deutschland der Rückfall in de Rezession. I have set the gross domestic product ratio in the Vorquartal to 0.1 Prozent with the Federal Statistical Office. The best thing is that it is a first Schätzung von End of July. Mit dem Minus schnitt Deutschland schlechter ab als kostenlose Other European Länder. The economics require little attention.

“The active Zahlen said that the German Wirtschaft on the Stelle was tritt,” commented Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP). It is not the case that the Wachstumsinitiative der Bundesregierung sei. The Ampel-Koalition has 49 months ago a Wirtschaft-anzukurbeln – umgesetzt ist davon aber bisher kaum etwas.

Trotz Konjunkturflaute verbuchte der German Staat im ersten Halbjahr aber increasing Steuereinnahmen and a slightly sunk defizit, reports the Statistical more. With a state deficit ratio of 1.8 Prozent, Deutschland stopped the EU-Haushaltsvorgaben locker – regardless of Dauerstreits a Bundeshaushalt and Schuldenbremse.

Schwächelnder Export, sinking Investments

One of the foundations for the declining economy in the second quarter was the statistical core of many investments in equipment – also in machines, equipment and vehicles. They have sunk a value of 4.1 percent to the previous quarter and have still not made any investments in buildings (minus 2.0 percent).

“After the most confidence in the previous quarter, the German Economics is in the Frühjahr wieder abgekühlt,” said the chairman of the Federal Statistical Office, Ruth Brand. There has been a quarter war with the gross domestic product of 0.2 Prozent zum Vorkwartal risen. Auch vom Außenhandel fehlen Impulse: Exportiert wurden im Frühjahr 0,2 Prozent few Waren and Dienstleistungen as im first Vierteljahr. It is German industry.

The Staatliche Förderbank KfW is now one of the few Wirtschaftswachstum on the board of Quartal aus. “The German Wirtschaft would come into the quarters and nach erholen, but not until 2025 was the Jahreswachstum wieder deutlich positiv,” said Chefvolkswirtin Fritzi Köhler-Geib. If you see other people on strong reallohnsteigerungen, take a look at the Kaufkraft der Verbraucher.

Consumer consumption does not jump up

If the economy of the economy is no longer growing, the money can collapse into inflation. I am a quarter of the private statistics of the Bundesamt at 0.2 Perzent zum Vorquartal. The study of the Verbraucher takes place in August, said the new study by the Nuremberg Institute GfK and NIM.

The Erwartungen der Konsumenten are an indication and a konjunktur seien zurückgegaan – de Sparneigung dagegen gewachsen. “Offenbar war die Euphorie, de Fußball-Europameisterschaft in Deutschland ausgelöst hat, nur ein kurzes Aufflackern and ist nach End des Turniers verslogen”, says NIM-Consum expert Rolf Bürkl.

Now there is little progress from a holiday

With the minuses in two months, Germany dries up a holiday. Schrumpft das Bruttoinlandsprodukt in two further follow-up Quartalen, spreading Ökonomen of a technical Recession. Schon 2023 war die Wirtschaftsleistung leicht zurückgedingen. Zuletzt hat ich die Stimmung in der deutschen Wirtschaft nor verschlechtert: Der vom Ifo-Geschäftsklimaindex fiel im August das drette Mal in Folge.

The Bundesbank corrects this, which is the Konjunkturbelebung hinauszögert. There is talk of a konjunkturflaute, which does not extend and lasts longer than the Wirtschaftsgang. In June, the Bundesbank made a forecast of 0.3 percent for a year.

Good Nachrichten at the Staatsfinanzen

Better than the Konjunktur is a state finance. The German state deficit is a slight backlash. After the statistics of the Bundesamtes have reached the status of half year, there are 38.1 million more Ausgaben as Einnahmen. At the end of 2023, the energy prices will be postponed to the state guarantee. Make sure that the state facilities in half year a 3.6 percent to the foreyear period are.

With 24.6 billion euros, the German state definition is already larger than the German Bund, but the financial consequences have risen to 17.9 billion euros. Days on which the deficit of the federal states and the community decreases sharply. The social economy has assured a financial financing of 0.2 billion euros, less than a year long (9.6 billion euros).

Gemessen in the Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) are very suitable for the first Halbjahr, a defizitquote of 1.8 Prozent. It is likely that the House rules of the EU after the Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt (Maastricht-Kriterien) have been abolished. Demnach daf das öffentliche Defizit nicht meer als drei Prozent des BIP. Everything deals when it comes to working with a halbjahreszahlen, which is no more than a year’s worth of welding. It is very good to see an innahmen and Ausgaben in the Jahresverlauf.

Debate on debt restructuring

The EU Rules for Capital Default and State Debt are the keys to ensuring solid capital financing. The Super Watch was created by the EU Commission, the Verfahren roads übermäßiger Defizite other than other countries in France and Italy.

Germany was quickly active in the government of the Länder as Finance Minister Lindner in the government statement of the Bundeshaushalt as motivation for the debt restructuring. Seine-argumentation: If Germany were to break the European rules, where an einladung and other European states, more debts to the machine, as tragfähig ist.

Spart Deutschland has no strength?

Otherwise, if Lindner wollen the coalition partner SPD and Grüne all possibilities for new credits in Etat für 2025 usefulness and zum Beispiel roads of the Ukraine-Kriegs a notlage clear. SPD and Grüne set up debt reform after the new Bundestagswahl.

Also the “Wirtschaftsweisen” stops the German Regelung for an unacceptable strength. If we have more end values, the German debt ratio in the following years is probably not so – perspektivist deutlich under the Maastricht criticism of 60 products from the gross domestic products. Germany has then spared women, where the money has received money.